Optimisation fiscale vs droit à la participation financière des salariés
Versailles, 6e ch., 2 février 2016, n° 15/01292
Versailles, 6e ch., 2 février 2016, n° 15/01292
(Conseil d'Etat, 24 mars 2006, Ville de Saint-Denis-de-La-Réunion - Requête n° 261591 ; à mentionner aux tables du recueil)
(CE, 19 avr. 2000, SARL Le Paris, req. n° 190080)
International audience
This study reports on analyses of household demand for health, schooling and water supply services in an impoverished region of the African Sahel. The ability and willingness of rouseholds to pay user fees for these services is assessed. The effect of introduction of such charges on demand among low-income groups most in need of the services is ana...