Pour une anthropologie de la petite enfance appliquée à la santé : la médicalisation de la petite enfance
Des anthropologues, des psychologues et des historiens de la petite enfance présentent un ensemble de techniques corporelles entourant la naissance et la prime enfance dans les sociétés de l'ailleurs ou du passé : techniques de toilette, massage, emmaillotage, modelage, façonnage du corps, ainsi que des rituels qui mettent en scène la socialisation...
Thailand has high rates of maternity services; both antenatal care (ANC) and hospital delivery are widely used by its citizens. A recent Northern Thailand survey showed that Hmong women used maternity services at lower rates. Our objectives were to identify Hmong families' socio-cultural reasons for using and not using maternity services, and sugge...
Thailand has high rates of maternity services; both antenatal care (ANC) and hospital delivery are widely used by its citizens. A recent Northern Thailand survey showed that Hmong women used maternity services at lower rates. Our objectives were to identify Hmong families' socio-cultural reasons for using and not using maternity services, and sugge...