Using radioecological models, nuclide specific values were calculated for the specific activity of low contaminated radioactive waste, which is disposed in conventional waste deposits or burned in incineration plants. The calculation of these values is based on a limit of 10 #mu#Sv effective dose in one year, i.e. effective dose possibly resulting ...
Mannocci, V.Marcantonio, S.Stanzani, C.European Centre for the Development of V...
This study on Italy has already been published in the ''CEDEFOP Document'' series. Now the English Translation appears. This report gives the updating of Italian legislation an air pollution control; the organization and functioning of the public authorities in this sector; survey of occupational profiles - case studies; environmental education and...
Nitschke, C.European Centre for the Development of V...
In this project the qualification structures and the main occupational profiles and their areas of application were examined on the basis of empirical surveys for four main operational areas of public service: 'Political decision-making', 'Research and consultancy', 'Supervision and control' and 'Information and publicity'. On account of the increa...
The report consists of a summary of relevant statistical data in the official personal dosimetry in 1988-1990 for the Federal States of Bavaria, Hesse, Schleswig-Holstein, and since 1989, Baden-Wuerttemberg. The data are based on the survey of more than 8000 institutions with over 100000 occupational exposed persons and are derived from more than o...
This meeting of February 1994 was dedicated to detailed discussions of the scope of responsibilities of municipal commissioners for pollution abatement and of experiences gained so far from different points of view. Ideas and views were exchanged on the self-image of municipal commissioners for pollution abatement and on the deficiencies, obstacles...