Indonesia is the world's third largest cocoa producer, but production is decreasing since 2011. We revisited cocoa farmers for an environmental assessment in Luwu Timur, Sulawesi, 7 months after a socio-economic survey on cocoa certification outcomes and observed many cocoa plantations being converted into oil palm and maize. Including our field da...
Радченко, Н. А.Дудко, А. А.Перетрухина, Н. В.Якимович, С. Б.
This paper discusses the importance of using "clean and lean technologies" in various industries taking into account environmental constraints. One of the key tools in the design of such production is environmental impact assessment, which helps to determine the feasibility of economic activity and make environmentally-oriented decisions. / Рассмат...
Рассмотрены основные природно-производственные факторы, влияющие на производительность технологических потоков по получению продукции строительного назначения. Расчет производительности в различных единицах необходим для определения показателей, связанных с проектированием и оценкой эффективности работы технологического потока. / The main natural p...
Research examining the economic effects of urban polycentricity remains inconclusive. We contribute to this debate by developing a longitudinal framework in which changes in polycentricity in Chinese urban regions are linked with changes in total factor productivity. While we find no evidence of urban polycentricity being conducive to economic grow...
Mertens, Kenneth NeilMeyvisch, PjotrGurdebeke, PieterPospelova, VeraMatsuoka, KazumiBilien, GwenaelGu, HaifengYamaguchi, Aika
Protoperidinium claudicans is a planktonic, heterotrophic, bioluminescent dinoflagellate species commonly found in neritic waters. It has long been considered to display phenotypic variation in its second anterior intercalary plate, which could vary between quadra, penta and hexa. The equivalent spinose, cordate cyst goes under the name of Votadini...