Трушев, Р. А. Сиражев, В. В. Артёмов, А. В. с., кривоногов п.
This paper discusses a method for inhibiting steel corrosion by forming a protective coating on the metal surface. This method significantly reduces the consumption of reagents, and allows you to replace the zinc reagent with its more environmentally friendly analogue. / В работе рассматривается способ ингибирования коррозии стали путем образования...
Gómez Velasco, Edgardo Marte
One of the main problems within a company is that the production lines stop due to lack of material, generating additional costs by covering with extra time the production that is lost, as well as the risk of not complying with the deliveries on time with the customer, which would cause the loss of the customer. In this sense, the present research ...
Сперанский, Д. В. Гриневич, Н. А.
Since ancient times, stone materials have been used in the construction of various buildings and structures. They are distinguished by their strength, heat resistance and durability. Now, stone materials are widely used in road construction, and in addition to improving the composition of bitumen and mineral components, many road construction organ...
Ладыгина, А. Н. Сиражев, В. В. Артемов, А. В. Савиновских, А. В.
This paper presents the results of studies of the physic-mechanical properties of plastic without resins (PWR) based on coconut waste. According to the results of the performed study, samples of PWR were obtained on the basis of raw materials obtained from coconut waste, and their physic-mechanical properties were studied. / Представлены результаты...
Michiels, Joris Truffin, Damien Majdeddin, Maryam Van Poucke, Mario Van Liefferinge, Elout Van Noten, Noémie Vandaele, Mario Van Kerschaver, Céline Degroote, Jeroen Peelman, Luc
Background: Weaning is a critical phase in the pigs’ life and gut health might be compromised. Gluconic acid was shown to be poorly absorbed but readily fermented to butyrate in the gut which in turn can improve gut function. Hence, a total of 144 weaning pigs were fed the experimental diets for 42 days. Three treatments were replicated in 8 pens w...
Olson, A. L. Tuner, M. Verhelst, Sebastian
Due to renewable fuel mandates worldwide, the increase in biodiesel production has caused an oversupply of low-cost glycerol on the markets, which can negatively affect the sustainability of the biodiesel industry as a whole. In order to avoid that scenario, the transformation of glycerol into value-added products has been investigated, and the pro...
Смертин, Н. В. Долматов, С. Н.
This article presents the problem of modern world production associated with emissions of carbon-containing gases. The analysis of the main factors of the spread of this problem is carried out, and the ways of its solution are presented. / Представлена проблема мирового современного производства, связанная с выбросами углеродосодержащих газов. Пров...
Acharya, S Adamova, D. Adolfson, J Aggarwal, M. Rinella, G. Agnello, M. Agrawal, N Bufalino, S. Concas, M. Grosa, F.
The production of π±, K ±, KS0, K ∗(892) , p , φ(1020) , Λ , Ξ -, Ω -, and their antiparticles was measured in inelastic proton–proton (pp) collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s = 13 TeV at midrapidity (| y|
Goyeau, Henriette Valade, Romain Vallavieille‐pope, Claude Leconte, Marc Massé, Jack Bonnefoy, Michel Orlando, Béatrice Robin, Nathalie Thibord, Jean Baptiste
International audience
Avner, Stéphane Richard, Patrick
Decays and annihilations observed in particle physics have so far prevented unifying subatomic particles into a chemical scheme. Here we hypothesize that photons, rather than being absorbed, are captured by particles, conserving their integrity while remaining undetected. This assumption is compatible with the observations that particles radiate an...