Tran, LT Prokopovich, DA Petasecca, M Lerch, MLF
A study of charge collection in SINTEF 3D active edge silicon detectors was carried out at ANSTO using Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) technique. An IBIC study has shown that several different geometries of 3D detectors have full depletion under low applied bias. The effect of fast neutron and gamma radiation on their charge collection efficiency wa...
Abendroth, B.E. rossendorf, forschungszentrum
Roos, E. (comp.) univ., stuttgart
The 30th MPA-seminar on ''Safety and Availability in Energy Engineering'' was held in conjuction with the 9th German-Japanese Seminar. The 52 contributions were published in two volumes. Volume 1 contains the contributions to the following sessions: fracture mechanics, fatigue, welding, environmental impact and European research projects. Volume 2 ...
Weyrich, K. (comp.) Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung m...
The following topics are dealt with: Laser plasma physics, plasma spectroscopy, beam interaction experiments, atomic and radiation physics, pulsed power applications, beam transport and accelerator research and development, properties of dense plasma, instabilities in beam-plasma interaction, beam transport in dense plasmas, short-pulse laser-matte...
Grundinger, U. (ed.) Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung m...
The following topics are dealt with: Nuclear heavy ion physics, atomic physics with heavy ions, heavy ion research in other fields, accelerator experiments and developments, instruments and methods, the international FAIR project. (HSI) / Available from TIB Hannover: RA 3692(2004-1) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Info...
Stahl, J. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY),...
The challenge for silicon particle detectors in future high energy physics experiments caused by extreme radiation fields can only be met by an appropriate defect engineering of the starting material. Appreciable improvements had already been obtained by enriching high resistivity float zone silicon with oxygen as demonstrated by the CERN RD48 coll...
Broeders, C.H.M. Konobeyev, A.Yu. Voukelatou, K. karlsruhe, forschungszentrum
Broeders, C.H.M. Konobeyev, A.Yu. Voukelatou, K. karlsruhe, forschungszentrum
Der Code IOTA wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, primaere Schaeden durch Bestrahlung mit Ionen in Verbundwerkstoffen untersuchen zu koennen. Der Code kann fuer die Berechnung der Gesamtzahl der primaeren Schaeden in den Materialien, fuer Displacement-Wirkungsquerschnitte und fuer die raeumlichen Verteilungen der Strahlenschaeden benuetzt werden. Die Be...
Akhmadaliev, C. Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V. (FZR),...
The aim of this work is to investigate the acoustic wave generation by pulsed and periodically modulated ion beams in different solid materials depending on the beam parameters and to demonstrate the possibility to apply an intensity modulated focused ion beam (FIB) for acoustic emission and for nondestructive investigation of the internal structur...
Bertschrat, H.H. Roehrich, J. Schiwietz, G. berlin, hahn-meitner-institut
The following topics are dealt with: Material structure and dynamics, materials analysis, applications of ion beams in fabrications, nuclear physics, accelerator operations and technical developments, eye tumor therapy. (HSI) / Available from TIB Hannover: ZA 4746(596) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbiblio...