Maghniwi, Rachid
Cette recherche examine l'impact de l'analytique des big data sur les stratégies marketing omnicanales dans le secteur bancaire marocain, comblant ainsi une lacune importante dans la littérature sur les marchés émergents. L'étude analyse la contribution des big data à la réussite de l'implémentation omnicanale et à l'amélioration de l'expérience cl...
Joris, Glen Vercoutere, Stefaan De Clercq, Orphée Van Damme, Kristin Mechant, Peter De Marez, Lieven
Scholars are increasingly studying how news recommenders can provide audiences with diverse news offers. However, despite their increased interest, little research has been conducted on how news audiences engage with news recommenders. This article assesses how a news recommender's design affects people's news exposure behaviours and perceptions. T...
Fusar-Poli, Paolo; Manchia, Mirko; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Leslie, David; Woopen, Christiane; Calkins, Monica E.; Dunn, Michael; Le Tourneau, Christophe; Mannikko, Miia; Mollema, Tineke;
Precision psychiatry is an emerging field with transformative opportunities for mental health. However, the use of clinical prediction models carries unprecedented ethical challenges, which must be addressed before accessing the potential benefits of precision psychiatry. This critical review covers multidisciplinary areas, including psychiatry, et...
Kessler, Ronald C.; Kazdin, Alan E.; Aguilar-Gaxiola, Sergio; Al-Hamzawi, Ali; Alonso, Jordi; Altwaijri, Yasmin A.; Andrade, Laura H.; Benjet, Corina; Bharat, Chrianna; Borges, Guilherme;
Patient-reported helpfulness of treatment is an important indicator of quality in patient-centered care. We examined its pathways and predictors among respondents to household surveys who reported ever receiving treatment for major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar diso...
Iterbeke, Kaat; 117270; Schelfhout, Wouter; De Witte, Kristof; 49626;
status: published
Vermeulen, Judith
Recent policy documents propose the use of recommender technology to realise online media pluralism goals. Specifically, they may enable citizens to access a diversity of viewpoints concerning matters of public interest via digital means ("public service recommender systems"). On the basis of Article 10 ECHR, States are arguably required to guarant...
Sikhwal, RK Childs, PRN
Francois, Mathilde Osiurak, François Fort, Alexandra Crave, Philippe Navarro, Jordan
Previous literature reported that Participatory Design (PD) results in satisfying products and presents other subjective benefts. PD implies an active involvement of users during all steps of the design process, including during concepts specifcation (contrary to user-centered design, UCD). This study compared the usability and acceptance of truck ...
Joris, Glen De Grove, Frederik Van Damme, Kristin De Marez, Lieven
As news selection is increasingly controlled by algorithms, a growing number of scholars are exploring how news recommenders can serve public services. Despite aspirations towards public service algorithms, little is known about which type of news recommender people prefer, let alone about a news recommender that aims to promote societal values. Th...
Darós, William
This essay presents the symptoms and consequences of globalization and the repeated individualistic revolutions, from the perspective of G. Lipovetsky. In his rough depiction of the postmodern situation in developed countries, and the importance of light individualism, the author does not fail to perceive the difficulties that this presents for the...