Parametric studies on environmental doses for hypothetical fusion plant fire accidents
Calculations were performed to define potential evacuation areas in case of a kerosene fire assuming the hypothetical release of large amounts of activation products and tritium. Source terms provided by the PPCS study were used, however, scaled to the amount assumed to be released in such an event. As the amount of dust released for such an event ...
Innerhalb des Maschinenbaus werden Waelzlager zum groessten Teil mit Fettschmierung betrieben. Bisher reicht das Wissen ueber das Verhalten der Schmierfette bei Einsatz von Antioxidantien, insbesondere hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten und -grenzen bei hohen Drehzahlkennwerten sowie ihrer Wirkung auf die Randschichtbereiche im Waelzkontak...
Steam cooling is a technology with a high innovation potential, so it is not surprising that intensive research is done currently especially in the USA and Japan. This project focused on the technological and constructional aspects of the technology, including thermal and thermomechanical design and calculation of a steam-cooled turbine blade as th...