Background: France allows deep sedation for pain relief, but not for euthanasia. In anticipation of an increase in home-based palliative care, the role of general practitioners is central to the design of outpatient palliative care services. This study aimed to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of general practitioners in mainland Fr...
Background A number of changes regarding the end of life have occurred in recent decades, notably legislative changes. This stage of life, which usually comes at an advanced age, is now largely medicalised and institutionalised. This research project in the French overseas departments follows on from a study conducted in metropolitan France in 2010...
This paper examines some demographic and medical factors associated with the likelihood of residing in a care home during the last month of life for persons aged 70 and over in France and, if so, of remaining in the care home throughout or being transferred to hospital. The data are from the Fin de vie en France (End of Life in France) survey under...
En 2010, l’Ined a conduit une enquête sur la fin de vie en France. Cette dernière apporte, pour la première fois en France, des données objectives sur les conditions de la fin de vie et notamment sur la diffusion des soins palliatifs, le traitement de la douleur, la nature des décisions médicales (non-instauration, poursuite, arrêt ou limitation de...
In France, almost half of deaths (48% in 2010) are preceded by a medical decision that may hasten death. But only in 1% of cases are drugs administered to deliberately end life. The large majority of decisions taken are based on the provisions of the Leonetti Act, which enables physicians, under specific circumstances,to withhold or withdraw treatm...