Paléoenvironnements et variations paléohydrologiques du lac Tchad au cours des 12000 dernières années / Le Tchad des lac...
A potential human footprint on Western Central African rainforests before the Common Era has become the focus of an ongoing controversy. Between 3,000 y ago and 2,000 y ago, regional pollen sequences indicate a replacement of mature rainforests by a forest–savannah mosaic including pioneer trees. Although some studies suggested an anthropogenic inf...
A potential human footprint on Western Central African rainforests before the Common Era has become the focus of an ongoing controversy. Between 3,000 y ago and 2,000 y ago, regional pollen sequences indicate a replacement of mature rainforests by a forest–savannah mosaic including pioneer trees. Although some studies suggested an anthropogenic inf...
Climate and environmental changes since the Last Glacial Maximum in the tropical zone of West Africa are usually inferred from marine and continental records. In this study, the potential of carbonate pedo-sedimentary geosystems, i.e. Vertisol relics, to record paleoenvironmental changes in the southwestern part of Chad Basin are investigated. A mu...
Climate and environmental changes since the Last Glacial Maximum in the tropical zone of West Africa are usually inferred from marine and continental records. In this study, the potential of carbonate pedo-sedimentary geosystems, i.e. Vertisol relics, to record paleoenvironmental changes in the southwestern part of Chad Basin are investigated. A mu...
A potential human footprint on Western Central African rainforests before the Common Era has become the focus of an ongoing controversy. Between 3,000 y ago and 2,000 y ago, regional pollen sequences indicate a replacement of mature rainforests by a forest–savannah mosaic including pioneer trees. Although some studies suggested an anthropogenic inf...
Des analyses sédimentologique et géochimique associées à des datations 14C ont été réalisées sur une carotte sédimentaire prélevée dans le marais Lopé 2 situé dans la zone nord du Parc national de la Lopé au Gabon. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus nous amène à subdiviser cette carotte en trois principales uni- tés. La première unité part de la base...
36Cl measurements in groundwaters of the deep confined aquifer of the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) were performed in order to constrain groundwater geochemical ages and residence times. Twenty-seven wells were sampled in Nigeria, Niger and Chad in the southern parts of the large (700 000 km2) multilayered aquifer of the LCB. 36Cl/Cl values range between 1...
We aim to improve our knowledge of the dynamic of the vegetation in Central Africa during the last 5 kyrs and to discuss the main hypothesis described in the literature - humans versus climatic impacts - both suggested as responsible of the Congo basin rainforest decline observed between 3 and 2.5 kyrs. We use the carbon isotopic composition of wel...
Le lac Tchad est unique à maints égards : vestige d'une localisation des cultures de décrue au lac Tchad véritable mer intérieure dont les rivages abritèrent au Quaternaire les ancêtres de l'Humanité, son existence à la lisière du Sahara suscite la curiosité scientifique internationale depuis le Moyen-Age. Ses vastes étendues d'eaux douces aujourd'...