Crespo Garrido, Irene del Rosario Loureiro García, María Gutleber, Johannes
Open science is a fundamental root of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known by its acronym CERN. This international organization, located between Switzerland and France, has distinguished itself since its inception by sharing its discoveries, innovative technologies, and the information generated by its most ambitious project, the L...
Alix, Leslie Gutleber, Johannes
CERN is operating the world’s largest particle accelerator complex in the world. The interconnection of versatile particle accelerators working with different particle beams at different intensities and energies continue to attract scientists and engineers from all over the world. The socio-economic effects generated by the presence of in the regio...
Crespo Garrido, Irene del Rosario Loureiro García, María Gutleber, Johannes
The rise of collaborative platforms has revolutionized the way individuals and organizations interact. The impact perimeter embraces interpersonal communication, knowledge sharing, and collective problem-solving. Indico, a web-based platform providing a free event management system, designed, implemented, maintained, and operated by CERN is a prime...
Delugas, Erica Florio, Massimo Giffoni, Francesco Gutleber, Johannes Secci, Luca
The chapter highlights the need for public understanding and support of scientific research, especially basic research with no immediate practical applications. It discusses the polarization in public attitudes towards science and emphasizes the importance of valuing curiosity-driven research for societal progress.An experiment conducted in 2022 in...
Gutleber, Johannes
Public investment in fundamental scientific research generates societal benefits (Mazzucato in Public Aff, 2018 [1]; Barrett et al. in Why basic science matters for economic growth. Public investment in basic research will pay for itself. International Monetary Fund Blog, 2011 [2]; Zuniga and Wunsch-Vincent in Harnessing the benefits of publicly-fu...
Yarong, Wu Tianhu, Hao
This article justifies the addition of “Greek Plays” as a subgenre to classify Shakespeare’s works. The six plays (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Timon of Athens, Two Noble Kinsmen, The Comedy of Errors, Pericles, Prince of Tyre, and Troilus and Cressida) in this subgenre are defined as adaptations of ancient Greek literature, staged in Greek or closel...
Walker, Casey Joe Ramirez, Anthony Soto-Vásquez, Arthur D.
Two mainstream films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) reflect anxiety about the alien (migrant) “other” through difference and crisis. In this article, we explore how refugees and “shithole” planets form a major plot point in Captain Marvel (2019). At the most extreme, alien exclusion is articulated in Avengers: Infinity War (2018), from th...
Le Corre, Stévan
Published in
psychologie clinique
L’inconscient, avançons-nous, est un passe-muraille. Une idée qui ne s’entend qu’à considérer d’abord le mur en ce qu’il produit une clôture offrant les conditions d’un repli pour le sujet. Ainsi le mur crée un domaine retranché où l’inconscient vient jouer les passe-murailles. Nous étayerons cette idée à l’appui d’une donnée récurrente de la prati...
Nteme, Jehiel Scaillet, Stéphane Brault, Pascal Tassan-Got, Laurent Duval, Florian
40Ar/39Ar ages of phlogopite from kimberlite-hosted mantle xenoliths are commonly older than the kimberlite eruption, despite the fact that argon is supposed not to be retained by phlogopite at temperatures above hydrothermally-derived Ar closure temperatures (
Akpan, Clara
Published in
Systematically tracking and analysing reproductive loss in livestock helps with efforts to safeguard the health and productivity of food animals by identifying causes and high-risk areas.