Ritala, Paavo Aaltonen, Päivi Ruokonen, Mika Nemeh, Andre
Incumbent industrial firms are putting in a lot of effort in developing capabilities for machine learning (ML) systems that help them better predict and perform a variety of industrial and business processes and decisions. Given the data-, process-, and organizational structure-related requirements for effective implementation of suchsystems, these...
de Siqueira, Ana Carolina Ferreira Amorim, Wilson Comini, Graziella Maria Jhunior, Ronaldo de Oliveira Santos
Purpose – This study aims to identify the key factors that lead to organizational learning through evaluation processes in social businesses. The research highlights how evaluation practices contribute to learning and the necessary conditions for this learning to occur within social enterprises. Theoretical framework – The research is grounded in o...
Gaïda, Myriam Aggeri, Franck Kletz, Frédéric
In order to demonstrate the benefits of their digital solutions or to develop new ones, start-ups initiate collaborations with hospitals. Much is at stake for the hospital and the start-up alike - in terms of innovation, exploration of new technologies, and organizational learning. However, only a few studies based on neo-institutional theory focus...
Mokadem, Nisrine (author) Jabeen, F. (author) Treur, J. (author) Rob Taal, H. (author) Roelofsma, P.H.M.P. (author)
This article presents the use of second-order adaptive network models of hospital teams consisting of doctors and nurses, interacting together. A variety of scenarios are modelled and simulated, in relation with respiratory distress of a neonate, along with the integration of an AI-Coach for monitoring and support of such teams and of organizationa...
Anna, Falck
Bakgrund: Covid-19 pandemin är den hittills största globala hälsokrisen i modern tid och den storskaliga spridningen av viruset krävde en omfattande mobilisering av sjukvårdssystem världen över. Omdistribuering av personal är en viktig del i att snabbt kunna möta behoven av att öka kapaciteten inom sjukvården och utgör en del i att skapa ett resili...
Williamsson, Ia Askenäs, Linda
Purpose This study aims to understand how practitioners use their insights in software development models to share experiences within and between organizations. Design/methodology/approach This is a qualitative study of practitioners in software development projects, in large-, medium- or small-size businesses. It analyzes interview material in thr...
Martin, Jason Ellström, Per-Erik Wallo, Andreas Elg, Mattias
Purpose – This paper aims to further our understanding of policy–practice gaps in organizations from an organizational learning perspective. The authors conceptualize and analyze policy–practice gaps in terms of what they label the dual challenge of organizational learning, i.e. the organizational tasks of both adapting ongoing practices to prescri...
Lundevi, David Zivanovic, Dragana
Varje år sker det över 35 000 arbetsplatsolyckor i Sverige. Detta innebär miljard kostnader för samhället samtidigt som flertalet av dessa hade kunnat undvikas. Bristen på organisatoriskt lärande från avvikelser bidrar till att många av dessa olyckor inte förebyggs. Ett stort antal olyckor kan undvikas genom en tidig rapportering och utvärdering av...
Eriksson, Kristina M. Lycke, Liselott
Purpose – Technological advancements and global societal changes reshapes manufacturing industry emphasizing needs for competence development of industrial professionals. The purpose of this paper is tostudy how organizational learning supports the development of academic structures, creating agile and sustainable formal educational models meeting ...
Eriksson, Eleonora Johansson, Elin
Hållbarhet och dess rapportering blir alltmer aktuellt, nya krav ställs på företags transparens och ansvarstagande. Intressenter kräver att den information som publiceras av organisationer är trovärdig och granskad av tredje part. EU kommer därför med ett nytt direktiv, CSRD, som planeras att införlivas i svensk lag inom en snar framtid. Detta stäl...