Harvey, Malcolm
Eliot’s lifelong preoccupation with tradition, order and the precise use of language points to common interests with jurists, and yet his creative work has been largely overlooked by the Law and Literature movement; more generally, his dramatic output has attracted considerably less scholarly attention than his poetry. This article begins with a br...
Martigny, Cassandre
Cet article étudie le traitement de la mort de Jocaste à travers la comparaison de deux œuvres antiques, l’Odyssée et l’Œdipe Roi, et de deux recréations théâtrales modernes, Jocaste de Michèle Fabien (1981) et Yocasta de Mariana Percovich (2003), pour analyser la façon dont les variations autour de cet épisode influent directement sur la construct...
Aguilar Pérez, Esteban
For many years, the student population has shown apathy towards reading, a situation that is clearly reflected in reading comprehension rates indices, addressing this issue in an innovative way is not only a duty, but an obligation for the Costa Rican system education and if possible in other latitudes (nations, contexts, generations). The purpose ...
Silva, Natália Miranda Fernandes da Beividas, Waldir
This article proposes to identify elements of Aristotle's Rhetoric in the agon between Oedipus and Creon, from Sophocles’ tragic play Oedipus Rex. The aim is to highlight the way in which the characters mobilize rhetorical skills, especially ethos, to conquer the Theban community to their respective perspectives. The association between the power o...
Mirowska, Paulina
The article reflects upon Sam Shepard’s playwrighting in the opening decades of the twenty-first century, paying particular attention to his last play, A Particle of Dread (Oedipus Variations), written specifically for the Derry/Londonderry City of Culture celebrations in 2013, and originally produced by the renowned Field Day Theatre Company. The ...
Lev Kenaan, Vered
The analogy between Oedipus and Odysseus is striking and provides an intriguing case of intertextuality once their relationship is investigated through the fascinating links that the plot of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rexmaintains with the episode of the foot washing of the Odyssey, Book 19. I argue, that the Homeric Odysseus provided Sophocles with an ins...
Nijk, Arjan A.
Published in
The aim of this article is to make a contribution towards a fuller understanding of the praesens pro praeterito (the present referring to past states of affairs, more commonly known as ‘historical present’) in Classical Greek by studying its use in non-narrative discourse in tragedy. The case of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex serves as a framework for this...
Senegačnik, Brane
Avtor se uvodoma dotakne problema določanja glavnih in stranskih likov v dramah ter predstavi specifične težave v zvezi s tem v antičnih tragedijah. Predlaga kriterij za določanje statusa dramskih likov v Sofoklovih delih. Kot važen element dramske resničnosti obravnava t. i. dramsko klimo. Pomen stranskega lika je predstavljen ob primeru lika vidc...
Mahon, Eugene J
Published in
The Psychoanalytic quarterly
Caneva, Stefano