Dans le domaine du traitement des eaux usées, l'exploitant de station d'épuration est soumis à deux principales contraintes. D'une part, le durcissement de la loi sur l'eau en matière de rejet l'oblige à toujours améliorer et surtout fiabiliser ces rejets, d'autre part, une nécessité économique de plus en plus forte l'oblige à optimiser ces coûts d...
Saout-Grit, C.Ganachaud, AlexandreMaes, ChristopheFinot, LucJamet, LéocadieBaurand, FrançoisGrelet, Jacques
An updated procedure for a CTD-oxygen calibration along with new data processing was applied to recent hydrographic cruise data in the Coral Sea during the Cruise "BIFURCATION" in September 2012. After a brief introduction with the scientific context (section 1), we describe the contents and acquisition models of hydrological and chemical data that...
Sphaerotilus natans is a neutrophilic ironrelated sheath-forming filamentous microorganism that presents dual morphotype: single cells and ensheathed cells forming filaments. As S. natans has been proposed as a sorbent for inorganic pollutants and it is occasionally involved in bulking episodes, elucidating factors affecting its filamentous growth ...
A water mass analysis of the Coral Sea thermocline waters provides a description of their distribution, pathways and mixture based on recent oceanographic cruises in this region of strong western boundary currents. The Optimum Multiparameter method is used to determine the relative contribution of core water masses based on their measured temperatu...
La campagne SECARGO représente une composante de la collecte d'observations in situ intégrée dans le cadre du projet scientifique SPICE (Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment) soutenu par les instances internationales des programmes sur l'étude du climat et de sa variabilité, CLIVAR et WCRP, et par le volet scientifique du proj...
A water mass analysis of the Coral Sea thermocline waters provides a description of their distribution, pathways and mixture based on recent oceanographic cruises in this region of strong western boundary currents. The Optimum Multiparameter method is used to determine the relative contribution of core water masses based on their measured temperatu...