Laddach, Agnieszka
Published in
Open Theology
The Cleaner Marina Abramović Retrospective Exhibition in the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń, Poland, sparked much protest. This article analyses the protesters’ attitudes to capture their habitus. The analysis employs Norbert Elias’ sociological theory on national habitus. Demonstrations of protest invite interpretations of the peculiar nation...
Joly, Marc Bolz, Daphné
International audience
Delmotte, Florence Duchesne, Sophie Throssell, Katharine
Dans la France d’aujourd’hui, où la nation semble invoquée de plus en plus souvent et explicitement, dans les discours politiques mais aussi concrètement, dans les réformes éducatives ou les politiques d’immigration, par exemple, on pourrait penser que le nationalisme banal a cédé la place à un nationalisme beaucoup plus « chaud ». Notre communicat...
Zandonade, Tarcísio Martínez Ávila, Daniel
Knowledge organization or information organization, in a narrower sense, is an area of Library and Information Science (LIS) concerned with activities such as document description, indexing, and classification performed in bibliographic and cybergraphic repositories for their rapid and economic retrieval for use by society. Knowledge organization i...
Pagès, Claire
L’article est consacré à une critique de la catégorie d’individu que la psychanalyse a souvent prise pour argent comptant. Est en question la conception de l’individu moral comme un être isolé, cohérent, autonome, singulier, constitué comme tel préalablement à tout contact avec autrui, et caractérisé par l’intériorité et l’intimité d’un moi. Bien q...
Kaplan, Carina Viviana Aizencang, Noemi Szapu, Ezequiel
This work conceptualizes the category of social suffering or pain from a relational and constructivist approach to social and school life. Particularly, we focus on the developments of the psychoanalysis of Silvia Bleichmar, the figurative sociology of Norbert Elias and the symbolic interactionism of David Le Breton. Their perspectives have a serie...
López Betanzos, Inés Marisela
Resumen: Desde la sociología de Norbert Elias y el feminismo se reflexiona sobre el cuerpo desnudo de la mujer como un signo de larga duración, cuyo origen como tradición discursiva preponderante en el arte comienza en el Renacimiento. Esto lleva a buscar entender la manera en que permanece en las artes visuales como significante de deseo, pecado y...
Ebner, Johannes
Published in
Soziologische Revue
Jong, Abbas
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Modern social sciences arose during a period of classical modernity in which discovering universal rules between distinct phenomena was the most prominent criterion of scientific knowledge. Social phenomena were considered in the form of isolated, determined, standardized, and regulated objects whose knowledge, like that of the natural sciences, de...
Tedesco, Alexandra Dias Ferraz
This article aims to analyse the emergence and consolidation of a hybrid zone of intellectual legitimacy from the 1940s onwards and the reconfigurations in the very concept of university that the Cold War engendered. This analysis is made taking into consideration the network of liberal intellectuals that grouped around the Mont Pèlerin Society. Th...