García-Salido, Alberto Modesto I Alapont, Vicente Medina-Villanueva, Alberto
Published in
Medicina intensiva
To describe the high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) indications in the Spanish pediatric critical care units (PICUs). Descriptive cross-sectional observational study. Electronic survey among members of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Intensive Care (SECIP). It was sent weekly from April 10, 2023, to May 21, 2023. All SECIP members. None. The questions ...
Gastelum-Bernal, Melissa A. Mondragón-González, Luz I. Peñuñuri-Ballesteros, Jhoanna M. Félix-Ramos, Gerardo Gómez-Jiménez, Isaac A. Cadena Mejía, Luis R. Frías-Mendívil, Mauricio
Resumen Introducción: Posterior a la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 se ha observado un incremento en la hospitalización por virus respiratorio sincitial (VRS), con mayores complicaciones. Se han encontrado alteraciones extrapulmonares asociadas, disfunción biventricular y lesión renal aguda, entre otras. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la evoluci...
Lopes, Nataniel Teixeira Monteiro, Diogo Manuel Matos, Rui Ibáñez Godoy, Sergio José
The present study aimed to compare the Motor Competence (MC) of 10 years-old children practicing athletics with that of children who practice other sports, as determined by the KTK test. KTK is a gross motor coordination test centered on locomotor and postural components. Sixty-four children were evaluated, 30 female (15 Athletics: 10.4±0.23 years ...
Blasquez Hernandez, Yazmin Aimeé
Resumen El propósito de este artículo es analizar la información que se tiene sobre la figura de la guarda y custodia compartida, el cómo su existencia y aplicación dentro de nuestro sistema normativo mexicano resulta garante de la protección del interés superior del menor, principio que debe regir por sobre todas las decisiones que involucren a lo...
Peris Hernández, Cristina Rosell Clari, Vicent Kummer, Ann W.
Nasometry is a non-invasive, easy-to-use technique that provides objective data regarding the amount of acoustic energy in the oral and nasal cavities during speech. The goal of this study is to create a Spanish passage and determine normative nasalance values for typical Spanish-speaking children, 3 to 5 years of age, that allows us to compare the...
Chaiña Chipana, Jaden Pamela
The work entitled "Relation of Free Play with Conflict Resolution in Children of the Non-School Initial Education Program of the province of Melgar 2021", raised the problem of: knowing the relationship between free play and conflict resolution. Faced with this problem, the following general objectives were formulated: Determine the scope of the re...
Saúl Alanís Enciso, Fernando
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la posición de las autoridades de EstadosUnidos y México en relación con la nacionalidad de los niños estadounidenses,de origen mexicano, que participaron en la migración de retorno de 1930 a 1933de Estados Unidos a México. La hipótesis de este trabajo es que la posición quelas autoridades de cada país adopt...
Salgado Renteria, Glenda Anabel Urgiles León, Sandra Jackeline
Child labor is that which allows children and adolescents to perform work activities in different areas with the purpose of helping the family to pay for daily expenses, which allows the relationship with poverty because it identifies the lack of the necessary resources to satisfy the needs of the population, therefore, it is an indicator that does...
Vente Viafarra, Claudia Patricia Araujo Urbano, Zully Elizabeth
La creación de un centro de manualidades para los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) de la ciudad de Pasto, Nariño, es una iniciativa que busca fortalecer la creatividad, el trabajo en equipo y el desarrollo de habilidades y capacidades artísticas en esta población joven de la región. Este centro estará ubicado en un espacio amplio y seguro, equipad...
Sari, Indah Prasetyawati Tri Purnama Doewes, Muchsin Hidayatullah, Muhammad Furqon Hariono, Awan
This study aims to adapt the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) for Indonesian children aged 9 to 11. It is an analytical survey with a cross-sectional study approach. The instrument was adapted the research developed by Kowalski et al., 1997. It was translated to Indonesian language and also validated by academics of sports...