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with Nezahualcóyotl as keyword
Hernández, Emmanuel Guerrero Villagómez, Fernando Nieto Hernández, Rubén
The present text focuses on the landscape study of one of the hydraulic systems developed during the Late Postclassic in the region of Texcoco, State of Mexico, in which some references related to the construction processes are poured, as well as some reflections and ideas related to its technical operation and its use as part of the hydraulic syst...
Rojas Rabiela, Teresa
Resumen: En este artículo se presentan algunos resultados del estudio del mapa pictográfico de Patlachiuhqui y Moyotepec, Texcoco, ca. 1592, que contiene valiosos elementos para reconstruir el paisaje del agua y la tierra de esa porción del Acolhuacan, en el oriente de la Cuenca de México. Interesa, en particular, la continuidad del uso de dos acue...
Rivera Espinosa, Ramón
This text deals with the importance of the collection of documentary and oral material referring to the history of the municipality of Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, emphasizing the search for documents of an unofficial nature that recover the processes of collective experiences of the main social groups and actors of the location. Recovering and systemati...
Costilla Martínez, Héctor
Historia de la nación chichimeca, written by Fernando de Alva Ixtliloxochitl around 1625, is the most important of the so-called “mestizo” chronicles in the New Spain due to the discursive ways in which it adapts the pre-Hispanic past into a contemporary context. This article deals with the relevance of legal discourse in the presentation of the ar...
Espinosa-Castillo, Maribel
El lago de Texcoco ha sido objeto de diversas acciones que lo han conducido a su desecación. Desde la época de la Colonia, en sus alrededores se dieron obras de desagüe, deslindes, fraccionamientos y ventas clandestinas que lo condujeron finalmente a ser terreno propicio para la conurbación con la ciudad de México. En dicho proceso incidieron e int...