The heat transfer in fluid flow through static assemblies of randomly distributed spheroids, including spheres, prolates, and oblates, is investigated using direct numerical simulation (DNS). Constant heat fluxes are imposed at individual particle surface by the Neumann boundary condition for temperature. The superficial Reynolds number (Re) and th...
The heat transfer in fluid flow through static assemblies of randomly distributed spheroids, including spheres, prolates, and oblates, is investigated using direct numerical simulation (DNS). Constant heat fluxes are imposed at individual particle surface by the Neumann boundary condition for temperature. The superficial Reynolds number (Re) and th...
The inner surfaces of pressure vessels and hot gas ducts of gas-cooled nuclear power stations need internal insulation because of the high operating pressures and temperatures. They have to protect the pressure bearing walls from high temperatures. In addition, the thermal fluxes of the power stations should be low. Because of the high pressure the...
Verschiedene Uebertragungsflaechen mit Wirbelerzeugern, deren Waermeuebergangsverhalten und Duckverluste bekannt sind, wurden fuer Betrieb mit jeweils minimierten Kosten untersucht bzw. miteinander verglichen. Fuer die Beurteilung der Flaechenkonfigurationen ist als gemeinsamer Referenzfall die hydrodynamisch voll entwickelte ebene Spaltstroemung m...
It is investigated inhowfar turbulence generators in flue gas tubes will improve the heat transfer in consideration of increasing pressure loss. The results were favourable. Fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions are reduced. The combustion chamber can be made bigger for delayed combustion and reduced NO_x emissions. / In diesem Projekt wird...