The 30th MPA-seminar on ''Safety and Availability in Energy Engineering'' was held in conjuction with the 9th German-Japanese Seminar. The 52 contributions were published in two volumes. Volume 1 contains the contributions to the following sessions: fracture mechanics, fatigue, welding, environmental impact and European research projects. Volume 2 ...
Begona, H.Neuser, U.Ecoteam GmbH, Trier (Germany)Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany)
In order to prevent major accidents the operators of industrial establishments under the German Stoerfall-Verordnung are obliged to consider 'unauthorized intervention' which can cause Major Accidents. As a consequence of the terroristic attacks of 11th September 2001 in the United States, politically or ideologically motivated attacks on industria...
Butz, H.P.Berberich, G.Edwards, M.Rakowitsch, B. (comps.)Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsi...
Even within a changed political framework regarding the use of nuclear energy in Germany, reactor safety remains an essential task attended to by a fully committed GRS. However, the requirements and priorities in many fields of work have changed by a course setting to phase out nuclear energy. The years 2002 and 2003 under review here are also to b...
This report presents the results of radioactivity monitoring in the vicinity of nuclear installations in the year 2003. Monitoring activities comprise the measurement of local gamma dose rates, aerosols and precipitation in the surrounding area, as well as examinations on soil, vegetation, vegetable foods, milk and dairy products, surface waters, s...