Convex and nonconvex nonparametric frontier-based classification methods for anomaly detection
status: Published online
status: Published online
status: published
Eurostruct 2021, Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures, Padoue, ITALIE, 29-/08/2021 - 01/09/2021
In this prospective, interventional, international study, we investigate continuous monitoring of hospitalised patients' vital signs using wearable technology as a basis for real-time early warning scores (EWS) estimation and vital signs time-series prediction. The collected continuous monitored vital signs are heart rate, blood pressure, respirati...
Anomaly detection starts from a model of normal behavior and classifies departures from this model as anomalies. This paper introduces a statistical non-parametric approach for anomaly detection that is based on a multivariate extension of the Poisson point process model for univariate extremes. The method is demonstrated on both a synthetic and a ...
Dans le domaine des choix et préférences alimentaires, l’acquis l’emporte largement sur l’inné. La mémoire, support des apprentissages alimentaires, joue donc un rôle fondamental dans nos comportements alimentaires. Ce travail présente une série d’expériences basées sur le paradigme de reconnaissance suivant : lors d’une première séance, les partic...