Kovaleva, E. G. Molochnikov, L. S. Stepanova, D. P. Pestov, A. V. Trofimov, D. G. Kirilyuk, I. A. Smirnov, A. I.
Acid-base equilibria and interfacial electrostatic properties of hydrated mesoporous and nanostructured alumina powders are determining factors for the use of these materials in heterogeneous catalysis and as a sorption media for filtration and chromatographic applications including life sciences. Here spin probe electron paramagnetic resonance spe...
Schaap, M. Cuvelier, C. Hendriks, C. Bessagnet, Bertrand Baldasano, J.M. Colette, Augustin Thunis, P. Karam, D. Fagerli, H. Graff, A.
Air pollution causes adverse effects on human health as well as ecosystems and crop yield and also has an impact on climate change trough short-lived climate forcers. To design mitigation strategies for air pollution, 3D Chemistry Transport Models (CTMs) have been developed to support the decision process. Increases in model resolution may provide ...
Zeng, Yang De Guardia, Amaury Ziebal, Christine De Macedo, Flávia Junqueira Dabert, Patrick
Published in
Bioresource technology
Nitrification plays an important role in nitrogen turnover in composting process. It has been believed that nitrification occurs mainly during the maturation phase due to the elevated temperature during the active phase of composting. In this work, the intense biodegradation of organic matters is demonstrated to be another negative impact on the am...
Laffray, Xavier
La Maurienne est soumise à un trafic routier et autoroutier intense qui traverse les Alpes par le tunnel de Fréjus. La pollution atmosphérique associée a été étudiée au niveau local à l'aide d'un maillage reposant sur deux approches complémentaires, biologique et chimique. Les propriétés de rétention des particules des aiguilles de Pinus sylvestris...
Frey, R. Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Bremen (Germany)
In a joint research project of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Technical University of Munich, of BMW AG and Bruker Daltonik GmbH a practically useful instrument has been developed for fast and simultaneous measurement of the oxides of nitrogen NO, NO_2, N_2O, of ammonia, NH_3, and of other important substances in the exhaust of gasoline...
Baehr, J. DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Rau... univ., muenchen
In situ aircraft measurements of NO, NO_y, CO and O_3 performed on board the DLR research aircraft Falcon are used to examine the interhemispheric differences for midlatitudes during local autumn. The observations were part of the INCA-campaign (Interhemispheric differences in cirrus properties due to anthropogenic emissions). Mayor deployment site...
Khan, H.R. Forschungsinstitut fuer Edelmetalle und ...
The project was aimed at the development and testing of perovskites as low-cost CO and HC oxidation and NO_x reduction catalyst materials for spark ignition engines to replace the more costly Pt-Rh-coated catalytic converters currently used. The catalytic converters were to be developed from the laboratory stage to prototype units that can be teste...
Griesfeller, A. karlsruhe, forschungszentrum
The polar-orbiting environmental satellite ENVISAT (ENVISAT = ENVIronmental SATellite), which has been launched in the night of February 28 to March 1, 2002 in Kourou (French Guayana) on board of an Ariane 5, carries ten instruments on board. These instruments observe land surfaces, oceans, polar ice caps and the atmosphere, in order to examine ant...
Baehr, J. DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Rau... univ., muenchen
Paar, U. Gawehn, P. Scheler, B. Schmidt, M. Kolb, M. Schoenfelder, E.
The Hessian Forest Ecosystem Study aims to document and explore changes to forest ecosystems as a result of emissions and climatic influences. Thus, it contributes importantly to a multifunctional and sustainable forest management. 2003 has been an exceptional warm and dry year. High precipitation during summer 2004 reduced some of the drought indu...