Astratova, G. V. Pryadilina, N. K. Klimuk, V. V.
The problem of rational use of resources is a priority for all mankind, which is confirmed by the presence of many national and interstate programs in the field of environmental management, resource conservation and improving the efficiency of environmental management. Forest complex play a special role in the rational use of natural resources. For...
Abdelhakim, T.
Synthesis report. ENPARD South initiative (European Commission)
Bessaoud, O. Pellissier, J.-P. Rolland, J.-P. Khechimi, W.
Rapport de synthèse. Initiative ENPARD Méditerranée (Commission Européenne)
Harbouze, R. Pellissier, J.-P. Rolland, J.-P. Khechimi, W.
Rapport de synthèse. Initiative ENPARD Méditerranée (Commission Européenne)
Traore, S.A.A. Requier-Desjardins, M.
Cette étude porte sur l’économie de la dégradation des terres au Burkina Faso : elle vise à quantifier les bénéfices économiques et financiers liés aux aménagements des terres qui ont été réalisés pour prévenir la dégradation des terres, entretenir la qualité des sols et restaurer leur fertilité affectée par les processus de dégradation et de déser...
Bessaoud, O.
Cet ouvrage aborde des thèmes cruciaux et des problématiques qui émergent ces derniers mois dans les débats publics, au sein des associations et des divers cercles et Think Tanks nationaux algériens (sécurité alimentaire, compétitivité de l’agriculture, effets du changement climatique, foncier rural…). L’histoire coloniale de la paysannerie et des ...
Chebbi, H.E. Pellissier, J.-P. Khechimi, W. Rolland, J.-P.
Rapport de synthèse. Initiative ENPARD Méditerranée (Commission Européenne)
Traore, S.A.A. Requier-Desjardins, M.
This ELD study relates to the economics of land degradation in Burkina Faso: it aims to quantify the economic and financial benefits linked to land developments implemented to prevent land degradation, maintain the quality of the soil and restore its fertility affected by the processes of degradation and desertification.
Nigussie, Likimyelesh Barron, Jennie Haile, Alemseged Tamiru Lefore, Nicole Gowing, J.
Understanding the gender dimensions of community-based groundwater governance is important because men and women differ in their need for and having access to groundwater, and their participation in the development, management and monitoring of the resource. The leading role played by women in obtaining and safeguarding water is not usually reflect...
Hagos, Fitsum van Rooijen, Daniel Haileslassie, Amare Yehualashet, H. Indries, H.
This study reviewed the status of natural resources and the driving forces for change, as well as past and ongoing approaches in natural resource management at the watershed scale in Ethiopia. First, we reviewed established environmental policy tools and the legal and policy framework, and determined whether innovative financing mechanisms are work...