Pénicaud, Manoël
Ce chapitre explore le lien mystique unissant l’islamologue catholique Louis Massignon (1883-1962) à la figure de Marie, qui incarne en islam un modèle de perfection féminine et maternelle. En tant que savant, il a beaucoup étudié le culte musulman de la « mère de Jésus », notamment sa correspondance avec Fâtima, la fille du Prophète Mohammed. En t...
Riesgo, Gustavo
Neoplatonism takes a significant turn when Iamblichus integrates a mystical perspective based on the Chaldean Oracles into his doctrine. This compilation of fragments, which can be traced back to Babylonian Zoroastrianism, emerged in Hellenistic civilization and gained prominence as hermetic texts among philosophers from the 2nd century onward. For...
Riesgo, Gustavo
El neoplatonismo da un giro significativo cuando Jámblico integra a su doctrina una perspectiva mística basada en los Oráculos Caldeos. Esta recopilación de fragmentos, que se remonta al zoroastrismo babilónico, surgió en la civilización helenística y ganó relevancia como textos herméticos entre los filósofos a partir del siglo II. Para Jámblico, l...
Cole, Lauren Victoria, Hannah
In this chapter, Lauren Cole and Hannah Victoria track the evolution of how the twelfth-century nun Hildegard of Bingen wrote about women by contextualizing Hildegard’s lexical choices regarding Mary and Eve as models of holy femininity across several major texts. Focusing on how personal experiences of movement, including her physical move to the ...
Cross, Elsa
From the study of a thought that is based is the mystic tradition, this paperaims to expose how literary expressions appear in the work of OctavioPaz, where the spiritual search of the world connects with the searchfor a poetic meaning inherent to it. Thus, the hypothesis that we will seedeveloped here is that the sacred component in Paz’s poetry, ...
Victoria, Hannah
Book coverThe Palgrave Encyclopedia of Medieval Women's Writing in the Global Middle Ages pp 1–5Cite asPalgrave MacmillanHildegard of BingenHannah Victoria Living reference work entryFirst Online: 06 September 202214 AccessesAbstractHildegard von Bingen (1098–1179), “Sibyl of the Rhine,” was a Benedictine abbess, a mystic, an infirmarian, and a poe...
Timbane, Alexandre Antonio de Souza, Antônia Valdilene Rocha
The place of women in African culture and traditions, especially of the Bantu peoples, has been a challenge, since on the one hand we have the ancestry that is manifested by the culture and on the other the modernity brought by the West through colonization or interaction with other people. This research has as its object the study of the book “No ...
Sevilla Godínez, Héctor
This article aims to provide a brief summary of some aspects of the philosophical and theological thought of Abraham Heschel, a Polish rabbi of the 20th century, known for being an advisor and spiritual teacher to Luther King. The text begins with some biographical and contextual aspects of Heschel ́s life. After that, the central guidelines of Hes...
Neri López, José Manuel
Thisessay asks if there is in the intellectual, literary and political production of Georges Bataille a subversion of evil as the virile desire for sovereignty and power. To answer this, it approaches the conceptualization that Bataille did on virility in three distinctive moments of his oeuvre. The first one is during his militancy in the movement...
Victoria, Hannah
Minne, the germanic translation of latin caritas, belongs to both the secular and religious literary traditions of the Middle Ages, and is conceptually obscure in both traditions. What medieval narrators mean by minne is neither consistent across various texts, nor always abundantly clear within a single text. Its precise meaning depends entirely o...