Hagerman, Justin
Abstract Recent Pauline scholarship has shown increasing interest in the concepts of agency, body, personhood, and self. Situating itself within an emerging current of Pauline interpretation of the σῶμα , this article provides an analysis of Paul’s language concerning the σῶμα in Philippians 3:21. In the first part, we focus on Paul’s description o...
Lods, Indiana
International audience
Rivas Venegas, Miguel
A lo largo de este artículo, reflexionaremos y contextualizaremos el discurso sobre lo monstruoso, lo contra natura y lo extraordinario en la España de los años treinta y cuarenta, centrándonos en la producción literaria de la Guerra Civil y del primer franquismo. Tomando la noción de semiosfera «como espacio de lo seguro» y frontera con lo diferen...
Koroleva, Elena
Dans les représentations de la Gorgone qui se multiplient à partir du XVIe siècle, elle apparaît déshumanisée, amputée de son corps dont ne reste que la tête à la chevelure ophidienne et aux yeux grands ouverts symbolisant son pouvoir de pétrification. Or, une autre tradition remontant à Hésiode et adoptée par Ovide la peint comme une mortelle et c...
Leite Jr, Jorge
The aim of this article is to discuss monstrosity and humanity in their relationship with the costume, arguing that clothes are fundamental not only to the social delineation of human, but also for the demarcation of what is a monster. So, monsters and humans can be thought as sketches. For this, will be used the sociological view of fashion and mo...
Pedreira, Rocío G.
This article seeks to analyse the aesthetic and narrative construction of the stories framed on the young-adult novel A Monster Calls, written by Patrick Ness, in its rewriting for the big screen, directed by Juan Antonio Bayona and released in 2016. Although the film is largely made using real images, the first two stories which include the tales ...
Davidel, Laura
As metaphors for the human condition, Anne Rice’s vampires are depicted as liminal creatures who tell the stories of their struggle with compulsive thirst, moral guilt, and eternal life, both within and outside the human world. This study analyses that liminality through their monstrous identity, their queer relationships, and their mode of procrea...
Rodríguez Pintado, Irene
This paper aims at showing the connections Anaïs Nin establishes between intellectuality, creativity, and monstrosity in women throughout the Henry and June volume of her diary (2001). Through June Miller and Anaïs Nin, a cultural connection between creativity and masculinity which estranges female creation to the point of considering it to be mons...
Vélez, Joaquín Bolla, Luisina
In this paper, we analyze the concept of monstrosity as a key to comprehending the colonial relationship between European Occident and (Latin) America through a non-essentialist approach. To achieve this aim, we revisit the concept as formulated by the Argentinian anthropologist and philosopher Rodolfo Kusch. According to Kusch’s analysis, Occident...
Castany Prado, Bernat Snoey Abadías, Christian
This paper studies how Europe conceived America, not only as a place inhabited by monsters, but also as a monstrous space in itself, as soon as its mere appearance meant an alteration of the previous ontological order. By way of illustration we analyze how the Europeans imagined projected on America each of the different theratologic currents (Medi...