Pelet, Jean-Éric
The Accreditation to Direct Research document represents a means of presenting a state of places from the last years that I spent as a teacher, researcher, consultant and entrepreneur. Following years spent studying advertising in three countries, in England (BA Hons in Advertising, Southampton Institute), Information Systems in Canada and France (...
Pelet, Jean-Éric
Le document d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherche représente un moyen de présenter un état des lieux des dernières années que j’ai passées en tant qu’enseignant chercheur, consultant et entrepreneur. Suite à des années passées à étudier dans trois pays la publicité, en Angleterre (BA Hons en publicité, Southampton Institute), les systèmes d’Inform...
Hultman, Linna Jiang, Yi
With the emergence of Dark Mode as a user interface design trend, it has increasingly been employed in operating systems, websites, and applications. There are several benefits to using Dark Mode: it can save battery life, reduce eye strain, is suitable for dark environments, and can be used as a reason for branding. This study aims to investigate ...
Yazid, Ziad Esa Zainol, Zairani Bakar, Juhaida Abu
Purpose: This study aims to address some of the contemporary issues and challenges concerning mobile banking via Islamic banks, specifically in e-commerce and m-commerce. Theoretical Framework: Mobile banking has made it possible for consumers to buy things online right from their pockets. With the availability of this sophisticated technology, o...
Eklund, Emelie Diliwi, Aweza Midia
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Det råder en allmän oro rörande den fysiska butikens framtid. Ett paradigmskifte inom detaljhandeln innebär att den fysiska butiken, för att upprätthålla effektiva och lönsamma affärer, inte längre kan förlita sig på historiskt framgångsrika affärsmodeller och praxis. Istället anses teknik tillsammans med exceptionel...
Baker El-Ebiary, Yousef A. Al-Sammarraie, Najeeb Abas Saany, Syarilla Iryani A.
The progression of wireless technologies will dramatically and fundamentally transform the supply chain management, through the imminent mobile revolution. Many aspects of organizational life will be impacted by the revolution. Firstly, the crucial data will be presented in real time to help the decision makers while the ways businesses communicate...
Junqueira, Eduardo
As the adoption of mobile devices grows around the world, the use of this tool to access the internet and, consequently, interact with a mobile store is also growing. A mobile commerce that is trustworthy tends to have advantages if compared to its competitors and, therefore, better results. This study focuses on understanding and measuring the inf...
Magrath, Victoria C
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the implications of mobile commerce designvariables on the consumer’s emotional and behavioural responses. With mobile and tablet commerce becoming as popular as desktop usage, fashion retailers must ensure that they have designed a mobile channel that will produce the most positive responses. The objective ...
Lövgren, Johanna Winter, Oscar
Den elektroniska handeln har varit på framfart i många år, den erbjuder stora potentiella affärsmöjligheter för företag. Med hjälp av internet kan företag idag erbjuda produkter och tjänster till kunder över hela världen. Elektronisk handel kan också erbjudas via mobiltelefoner, även kallat mobilhandel. Den handeln har i Sverige haft en trög tillvä...
Stirparo, Pasquale Loeschner, Jan
Our today’s world is becoming digital and mobile. Exploiting the advantages of wireless communication protocols is not only for telecommunication purposes, but also for payments, interaction with intelligent vehicles, etc. One of the most widespread wireless capabilities is the Bluetooth protocol. Just in 2010, 906 million mobile Bluetooth enabled ...