Zheng, Ruochen
Pour parvenir à une fabrication efficace et exempte de défauts de renforts fibreux tout en minimisant la nécessité de tests expérimentaux longs et coûteux, il est nécessaire de développer des techniques de simulation et d'optimisation fiables du procédé de mise en forme. Les renforts composites NCF (Non-Crimp Fabric) promettent des performances str...
Archambault, Aubin
The usual laws of thermodynamics are robust and can be applied to large range of macroscopic systems. However, when thermal fluctuations are on the same scale as the studied phenomena, these laws only describe the average behaviour. While it is impossible to macroscopicaly extract work from thermal fluctuations, this limit can be overcome by adapti...
Chen, Xiaoxiao Xia, Youjun Du, Wenqiang Liu, Han Hou, Ran Song, Yiyu Xu, Wenhu Mao, Yuxin Chen, Jianfeng
Published in
Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
Introduction Cancer metastasis is associated with increased cancer incidence, recurrence, and mortality. The role of cell contact guidance behaviors in cancer metastasis has been recognized but has not been elucidated yet. Methods The contact guidance behavior of cancer cells in response to topographical constraints is identified using microgrooved...
Abbas, Mohammad
In order to predict the importance and distribution of damage in reinforced concrete structures subjected to severe loadings, the modeling of the behavior of the interfaces between reinforcement steel and concrete is essential, because it directly influences the crack patterns. The macroscopic interface models commonly used in structure simulations...
El Souwaissi, Nour
Earth Pressure Balance Machine (EPBM) is the excavation technique that responds to the technical construction complexity of the future line 16-1 of the Grand Paris Express project. Its principle is based on the capacity of the excavated ground to transmit the forces needed to counterbalance the earth and water pressures of the working face. To over...
Ma, Qirui Wautier, Antoine Nicot, François
Fine grains play an important role in mechanical properties of granular materials as they control how plastic strain may develop, which has a noticeable impact on mechanical stability. In this work, we use numerical simulations based on a discrete element method (DEM) to analyze the stress contribution of fine grains to the total stress. Different ...
Wong, Hua Crowet, Jean-Marc Dauchez, Manuel Ricard-Blum, Sylvie Baud, Stéphanie Belloy, Nicolas
Published in
Matrix Biology Plus
The extracellular matrix is a complex three-dimensional network of molecules that provides cells with a complex microenvironment. The major constituents of the extracellular matrix such as collagen, elastin and associated proteins form supramolecular assemblies contributing to its physicochemical properties and organization. The structure of protei...
Ortega Laborin, Alejandro
The present work concerns local fracture analysis approaches for quasi-brittle heterogeneous materials based on the Embedded Finite Element Method (E-FEM). A framework that successfully considers all fracture modes and their associated triaxial stress states simultaneously is proposed in a mathematically and physically consistent fashion. The objec...
Quacquarelli, Adriana
Diamond-Impregnated Tools (DIT: core drills, wire saws, circular and frame saw blades) are widely used to process and size brittle materials. DITs are composed of abrasive diamond crystals embedded in a metallic matrix by sintering. During the cutting operations, the matrix retains the diamonds, which, due to their hardness, can indent the workpiec...
Wautier, A. Veylon, G. Miot, M. Pouragha, M. Nicot, François Wan, R. Darve, F.
The proper solution of geotechnical boundary value problems requires robust constitutive models that can describe the mechanical behavior of geomaterials under various loading conditions, while also accounting as closely as possible for the different material scales of interest. This is even more relevant to granular media where the complexity of t...