Ferrand, Margot Labatut, Vincent
In historical studies, the older the sources, the more common it is to have access to data that are only partial, and/or unreliable or imprecise. This can make it difficult, or even impossible, to perform certain tasks of interest, such as the segmentation of some urban space based on the location of its constituting elements. Indeed, traditional a...
Herce Martín, Álvaro
[ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Máster se propone investigar la representación de la Edad Media en el videojuego y materializar dichos resultados a través de un proyecto videolúdico ambientado e inspirado en el arte de los manuscritos medievales iluminados. En este sentido, el estudio puede inscribirse dentro de tres de las líneas de investigació...
Rozanès, Simon
In 2022, the spectacular publication of ChatGPT by OpenAI levelled interest, scepticism and fear amongst the historians' community: not only regarding students cheating in their essays, but also in the lowered quality of scientific research produced by AI, or even AI replacing researchers. ChatGPT is highly effective for crafting various types of t...
Pierrard, Élodie
Porteurs de valeurs sociales et culturelles, les parfums sont au cœur des enjeux de la société et de l'époque qui le produisent. La fin du XVe siècle constitua une période charnière, à l'orée d'un XVIe siècle marqué par l'explosion des livres de secrets et l'autonomisation de la profession de parfumeur. En cette fin de Moyen Âge, les parfums en tan...
Rameau, Baptiste
International audience
Roger, Kévin Fiala, David
International audience
Julien, Octave
This paper gives an introduction to the relational model of databases, it underlines its benefit for historical research and it discusses how the issues of data modeling were adressed by historians, especially of the medieval period.
Rhoné-Quer, Camille
De quelle façon les populations riveraines mettent-elles à profit les eaux du fleuve dans les premiers siècles de l’Islam ? L’Amou Darya, du fait des caractéristiques de ses eaux, règne-t-il sans partage sur les systèmes d’approvisionnement hydrique des sociétés voisines ?Dans cette communication nous nous demandons ce qui, dans la composition de l...
Rhoné-Quer, Camille
International audience
Zewail, Hani Ahmed
Islamic Peripatetic traditions offer an understanding of the body-soul relation as one that mediates between the physical bodies of the macrocosmos as well as the subjectivity of the human microcosmos. This human subjectivity is guaranteed through self-knowledge and particularly the knowledge of the human soul (nafs) that serves as the gateway to p...