Seek, Abd Alkareem
The Arabic primary sources from the early medieval period have long existed in the modern consciousness of the scholarship, however, differing interpretations, mistranslations, and omissions have contributed to the state of already existing confusion permeating the matter of the Rus origin, influence, and interactions in their theatre of action in ...
Dahl, Frida
This essay aims to contextualize the placement of deviant and atypical graves within the landscape of Västerbotten county in Sweden, in relation to the contemporary Christian cemeteries from the Middle Ages to the year 1960. To understand the need and reasoning for deviant and atypical graves from a religious standpoint several medieval laws are st...
Zackrisson, Olof
This study will investigate whether knights' and samurais’ practical skillsbuild on the same core beliefs and values.To do so, I will try to summarise the practical skills and equipment of knightsand samurai respectively with a focus on historical accuracy to establish ageneral picture of the methods of war for both.The essay will then use that pic...
Petersson, Nellie
Uppsatsen analyserar och diskuterar kattbenen i materialet som grävdes ut i Västergarn, Gotland under våren 2021 och 2022. Analysen och diskussionen fokuserar på katternas roll i lokalsamhället, både fysiskt och i den lokala folktron. Materialet består av sex schakt med två identifierade husgrunder, en misstänkt smedja och en brunn med en datering ...
Johansson, Zara
This essay is based on previous discussions regarding early church buildnings in the Luleå area. The study is limited to two possible premises. The first location is the site of the current stone church in Gammelstad. The reason for the choise of the stone church is that some archaeological researchers consider it probable that the first church bui...
Conrad, Louise
Västergarn is a parish on Gotland with an extraordinary archaeological environment, occupied by both prehistorical and historical monuments. The parish lies a bit over 20 kilometers south of Visby, along the western coast of Gotland. The site has been examined several times, but questions remain to be answered. The relationship between the remains ...
Nilsson, Fredrik
This essay is about the works of Jacobus de Voragine, a genoan munk during the thirteenth century namely Legenda Aurea, or The Golden Legend. This essay aims to compare his works to contemporary material as well as modern academic texts. The purpose of which is to see how accurate Jacobus was in his writings, especially when it comes to the early m...
Holm, Ebba
This thesis focuses on health among children in the medieval town Old Lödöse (1100-1500 AD) in western Sweden. Through the study of health indicators (enamel hypoplasia, growth retardation and porotic hyperostosis) on adults (45 crania), children (31 complete individuals) and the commingled remains of children from severeal contexts. The results sh...
Kvanta, Carl
I examensarbetet undersöker jag hur lillkyrka, en medeltida kyrka i östergötland, skulle kunna bli en plats för retreat. En plats man besöker i några dagar för att finna lugn. Lillkyrka. Det är en mystisk plats som redan innan kyrkan restes var en hednisk helgedom. Nu utgörs platsen av den medeltida vitputsade kyrkan, omgärdad av röda hus. Där bygg...
Engblom, Mathias
In the small town of Västergarn on Gotland lies a rather impressive rampart, circa one kilometre long. Excavations of the area inside of the rampart, as well as excavations of the rampart itself, have yielded no conclusive answers regarding the dating and main purpose of the rampart and the settlement that supposedly lies within. This paper aims to...