Publication search
with Massenbilanz as keyword
Schneider, Anna
The central topic of this dissertation is the 3D spatial description of geomorphic and sediment mass balance development in initial phases of ecosystem development. The introductory chapters give an overview on the consideration of characteristics and relevance of the initial development phase in geomorphological landform development concepts and s...
Jansen, Astrid
In this study two main topics are discussed for the Turgen-Kharkhiraa, the northernmost part of the Mongolian Altai. After a short presentation of the study areas and a statistical evaluation of the glaciers of the Turgen-Kharkhiraa (exposition, height of recent ice margin, height of GEI (= Glacier Elevation Index)) the first main topic is the mode...
Huintjes, Eva Marianne Li, Huilin Sauter, Tobias Li, Zhongqin Schneider, Christoph
Möller, Marco Schneider, Christoph
Möller, Marco Schneider, Christoph
Buttstädt, Mareike Iturraspe, Rodolfo Möller, Marco Schneider, Christoph
Clausen, U. Nikel, A.
The mass flow in sorting plants varies from day to day. This variation is hard to predict, which makes it hard to collect reliable data for mass balances. But mass balances are necessary to evaluate the performance of a sorting plant and to identify potentials for optimization. On hand of a practical example is shown in the following, which statist...
Bichlmaier, A. Tillmann, O. Gruber, L. Santl, H. Stöhrer, E.
All parts of the production process of a recycling paper mill were analysed for the possibility of the formation of dioxins and furans (PCDD/F). Refering to the results the following conclusions can be drawn. The PCDD/F-input in a recycling paper mill comes from the waste paper. The main output is in the deinking sludge. The concentrations of PCDD/...