Astone, Matteo Dankert, Erin N. Alam, Sk. Kayum Hoeppner, Luke H.
Published in
npj Precision Oncology
Zebrafish have proven to be a valuable model to study human cancer biology with the ultimate aim of developing new therapies. Danio rerio are amenable to in vivo imaging, high-throughput drug screening, mutagenesis, and transgenesis, and they share histological and genetic similarities with Homo sapiens. The significance of zebrafish in the field o...
hartog, paul anthony
The “Young, Restless, Reformed” movement has sought to establish itself upon reformational foundations rooted within the sixteenth century. The new movement’s undertaking, however, has virtually ignored the differences between its own adherence to “limited atonement” and the developed theology of Martin Luther. Even on an academic level, the legacy...
Kaletsch, Paul Immisch, Quintus
The volume brings together various methods and different approaches to events. Thus, the edited volume does not offer a comprehensive study of ‘important’ empirical events, theoretical conceptualizations of the event, or of different literary forms of narrating event(s). Instead, this book gathers contributions that allow events to unfold in writin...
Landolfo, Matteo Allevi, Massimiliano Spannella, Francesco Giulietti, Federico Gezzi, Alessandro Sarzani, Riccardo
Published in
High blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention : the official journal of the Italian Society of Hypertension
Office blood pressure (OBP) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) calculated by the Friedewald formula (F) are the cornerstones of the cardiovascular risk (CVR) assessment and management based on the SCORE2/SCORE2-OP model proposed by the 2021 ESC Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. We compared the CVR stratification estimate...
krištofíková, zuzana
Témou diplomovej práce je sídlisko Sever v Martine. Práca predkladá sériu urbanistických zásahov v témach: I. verejný priestor, doprava a vnútorná štruktúra, II. zapojenie kasární a III. dostavby okraju. Cieľom je dopovedať a doplniť kvality obytného prostredia v mestskej časti a ukázať možnosť adaptácie, zabývania a dejového zahustenia. / The topi...
scharf, orr
The current article argues that Paul Mendes-Flohr’s turn to address contemporary challenges faced by Jews at large, and Israeli Jews in particular, is proleptic in the sense that it excavates the anticipation of the current intellectual, spiritual and moral reality from the intellectual history of modern German−Jewish thought. Based on a reading of...
BRETON, Justine Besson, Florian
International audience
Gargani, Julien PASQUON, Kelly Jouannic, Gwenaël
International audience
Follmi, Beat
International audience
Follmi, Beat
International audience