salvador-gonzález, josé maría
This article attempts to document why the Virgin Mary is symbolically designated by the biblical figure “Ark of the Covenant” (Foederis Arca), as reflected in one of the invocations of the Litany of Loreto (Litaniae Lauretanae). To justify such a designation, the author refers to the systematic analysis of the patristic, theological, and hymnic sou...
salvador-gonzález, josé maría
The current article seeks two interrelated objectives. First, we will shed light on the Mariological and Christological meanings underlying the saying templum Dei and other similar metaphorical expressions, with which countless medieval liturgical hymns, inspired by the Bible, designate the Virgin Mary. Second, we will iconographically interpret so...
salvador-gonzález, josé maría
This paper seeks to interpret the biblical metaphor of the hortus conclusus (closed garden) according to a Mariological projection, as presented iconographically in various Quattrocentro Annunciations. The author bases his interpretations on the exegesis developed by many Latin and Greek-Eastern Church Fathers and theologians, who considered this m...
Terry, Joseph
Implicit within the human being as such are mysteries, which can be formulated into certain questions (What is the human being? What is the vocation of such a being? From where does it originate? What is its destiny, its telos?), that theological and philosophical anthropology seeks to address. Historically, theologically informed anthropological i...
salvador-gonzález, josé maría
This article aims to highlight the privileged status granted by Christianity to the Virgin Mary when considering her the Queen of Heaven. From the very early centuries of our era, this sublime title was assigned to the Virgin Mary, for her condition of Mother of God, by an increasing number of Church Fathers and theologians. Later, it was expounded...
Peklar, Barbara
Prispevek obravnava slovensko prepesnitev ene najpomembnejših marijanskih antifon, Salve Regina, tj. Češčena bodi iz Stiškega rokopisa (NUK, Ms 141, fol. 247v) iz umetnostnozgodovinske perspektive. Kljub za cistercijane značilni askezi oziroma osredotočenosti na besedo in kljub izključevanju slike pri molitvi se je nabožna podoba polagoma uveljavil...
lee, yong-gil
Mother Mary has been and can be a spiritual role model for Korean Catholics to live out their faith, a faith that is based on a dynamic understanding of a spiritual model of Mary, that is, spiritual growth coming from Eastern Mariology, particularly Mariology based on Gregory Palamas. For this dynamic understanding of Marian spirituality, I review ...
blanco-sarto, pablo
Protestantism is usually thought of as rejecting the figure of Mary as a collaborator in Christ’s redemption. In Luther’s commentary on the Magnificat (1521), we can see that this doctrine would continue to evolve throughout his life, and would not always be free of apparent ambiguities. Luther extolled the figure of Mary, but at the same time he c...
salvador-gonzález, josé maría
This article aims to highlight the rich doctrinal meanings underlying the textual and iconic designation of the Virgin Mary as the gate of Heaven, a highly brilliant metaphor used by writers and artists to symbolize her saving mediation before her divine Son on behalf of humankind. To justify our interpretations of this textual and iconic symbol, w...
fastiggi, robert l.
This article begins by explaining the importance of Mariology for Catholic theology. It provides an overview of a 2015–2016 survey of 32 Catholic seminaries in the USA on how Mariology is covered in the curriculum. It then examines documents of the Congregation for Catholic Education on the teaching of Mariology in Catholic seminaries. It also look...