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with Male-dominated occupations as keyword
Glans, Anna Källgren, Erik
Psykisk ohälsa är en växande utmaning för både män och kvinnor i arbetslivet. Arbetsplatsen är en viktig arena för hälsofrämjande insatser, och mansdominerade yrken som ofta präglas av maskulinitetsnormer ses som en utmaning i det hälsofrämjande arbetet. Denna studie avsåg att undersöka hur män yrkesverksamma i mansdominerade yrken upplever trygghe...
Lapchenko, Polina Tehrani-Manesh, Roxana
The aim of our paper is to examine from a sociological perspective the consequences women experience in their work in male-dominated occupations. We also want to examine different expectations placed on women in a male-dominated workplace and how these women in turn experience their professional role. Finally, we want to find out how these women vi...
Harris, Deborah A. Giuffre, Patti
Published in
Gender Issues
Work–family conflict can act as an important, and gendered, mechanism underlying women’s under-representation in male-dominated occupations. This study uses in-depth interviews to explore the experiences of female professional chefs in order to understand how women in a prestigious, yet male-dominated service occupation manage barriers relating to ...