Hixon, Sean W Fernandes, Ricardo Andriamahaihavana, Antonin Baden, Andrea L Blanco, Marina B Caulier, Guillaume Dammhahn, Melanie Eeckhaut, Igor Eppley, Timothy M Frederich, Bruno
peer reviewed / We present the first open-access, island-wide isotopic database (IsoMad) for modern biologically relevant materials collected on Madagascar within the past 150 years from both terrestrial and nearshore marine environments. Isotopic research on the island has increasingly helped with biological studies of endemic organisms, including...
Razananaivo, Rova Vellayoudom, Jérôme Lande, Évelyne Rasolonjatovo, Hasina
Rice is the staple food of the populations of two islands in the Indian Ocean:Reunion Island and Madagascar. To guarantee their food autonomy, these islandshave carried out agricultural innovations around rice farming: PAPRiz in Madagascarand Riz Reunion in Reunion Island. These innovations are similar in the dimensionscovered (process, product, an...
Fache, Elodie Veriza, Francis Toussaint, Marie
Le projet « Les plastiques marins comme vecteurs de pathogènes humains » (VectoPlastic, 2022-2026), financé par l’ANR et déployé à Madagascar, inclut un volet en sciences sociales (Tâche 4), qui a cherché à comprendre les représentations sociales associées aux plastiques sur le littoral du Sud-Ouest malgache. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé des e...
Andrianaivoarimanana, Voahangy Pizarro-Cerdá, Javier Rajerison, Minoarisoa
BackgroundPlague, a zoonotic disease caused by Yersinia pestis, was responsible for 3 historical human pandemics that killed millions of people. It remains endemic in rodent populations in Africa, Asia, North America, and South America but human plague is rare in most of these locations. However, human plague is still highly prevalent in Madagascar...
Rasoanandrasana, Saïda Randrianaivo, Narindra Rakotovao-Ravahatra, Zafindrasoa Domoina... Moura, Alexandra Lecuit, Marc
Listeriosis constitutes a significant public health threat due to its high mortality rate. This study investigates the microbiological and genomic characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes isolates in Madagascar, where listeriosis is a notifiable disease. The analysis focuses on a fatal case of meningeal listeriosis in a 12-year-old child. Genomic ...
Terrana, Lucas Lepoint, Gilles Lienard, Nicolas Eeckhaut, Igor
peer reviewed / Crinoids of the Order Comatulida are renowned for harboring a remarkable diversity of symbiotic organisms within echinoderms, including polychaetes, myzostomids, gastropods, crustaceans, brittle stars, or fish. Crinoids provide essential services to their symbionts, such as shelter, access to food resources, mating areas, nesting gr...
Andrianinarivomanana, Tsarasoa M. Randrianaivo, Fenomiaranjara T. Andriamiarimanana, Mandaniaina R. Razafimamonjy, Mihary R. Velonirina, Haja J.S. Puchot, Nicolas Girod, Romain Bourgouin, Catherine
Published in
Anopheles coustani has long been recognized as a secondary malaria vector in Africa. It has recently been involved in the transmission of both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax in Madagascar. As most secondary malaria vectors, An. coustani mainly bites outdoors, which renders the control of this mosquito species difficult using classical malaria c...
Ramaharo, Franck Maminirina
This study employs the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition method to analyze the drivers of overall electricity intensity in Madagascar over the period 2007-2022. The decomposition results reveal that the residential sector is the primary driver of overall electricity intensity, followed by the service and industry sectors. Notably,...
Trap, Jean Raminoarison, Manoa Cébron, Aurélie Razanamalala, Kanto Razafimbelo, Tantely Becquer, Thierry Plassard, Claude Blanchart, Eric Bernard, Laetitia
Although involved in key functions of the terrestrial ecosystems, the activity and the diversity of soil microorganisms can be severely limited by energy and nutrients in weathered tropical soils. To optimize nutrient cycling for crop nutrition, assessing which nutrients limit the activity of the microbial food web is thus essential. This was our a...
McCabe, Mary K. Mudge, Laura Randrianjafimanana, Tahiry Rasolofoarivony, Nestin Vessaz, Fanny Rakotonirainy, Robertin Said, Faissoil Ahmed Rakotoarisoa, François Ratoniherison, Tsiorisoa Box, Steve
Published in
Frontiers in Marine Science
Octopus fisheries face heightened demand driven by depleted fish stocks and escalating economic value, leading to overextraction of octopus populations and magnifying threats to coastal ecosystems and the livelihoods of fishers who depend on them. Implementation of management strategies such as periodic fishing closures can offer sanctuary for octo...