A concept of a table-top accelerator, consisting of a superconducting resonator and subsequent 6 standard TESLA cells working with a frequency of 1.3 GHz, is presented. Then electron gun is based on a photocathode. Especially described are the photocathode part, the laser system, the cryostat module, the RF system, the beam extraction, and the cryo...
Schulz, M.Auer, R.Bayerisches Zentrum fuer Angewandte Ener...
During the joint research project a pilot system for the fabrication of thin-film solar modules consisting of crystalline silicon on heat resistant ceramic substrates has been set up. The following processes for the module fabrication on large areas have been developed: (1) A CVD deposition process for SiC-barrier layers on ceramics and areas up to...
profitieren zu koennen, indem bei einer effizienten Unterdrueckung des Untergrunds gleichzeitig eine hohe Selektivitaet bei der Datenaufzeichung exklusiver Endzustaende ermoeglicht wird, baut die H1-Kollaborationen einen schnellen, auf Spurkammerinformationen basierenden Trigger. Dieser fast track trigger (FTT) gliedert sich in die ersten drei Stuf...
Schauz, E.Umwelt Elektronik GmbH und Co. KG, Geisl...
It has been researched if it is possible to obtain compost from the year-round delivered waste. This was the purpose in Germany for developing a system to control the amount of oxygen in compost material which was tested under the prevailing climate conditions. For this test, eight windrows were used (30 x 6 x 2,5) with a main aeration pipe accompa...