Descamps, Julia
En France, le regroupement familial s’est imposé dans les années 1970 comme une procédure centrale des politiques migratoires et un des principaux moyens à la disposition des migrant·es pour faire venir leur famille depuis l’étranger. Depuis, les politiques de régulation de l’immigration familiale se sont multipliées et métamorphosées et d'autres p...
Haddad, Marine
Research shows that economic, political and social factors all drive migration, but we still know little about their interaction, especially the interplay between increasingly selective migration policies and family relations. Studies stress the role played by social capital in responding to migration restrictions and the importance of intermediari...
Contente, Claudia Séguy, Isabelle
Sur un thème mille fois traité et pourtant toujours neuf, les contributions réunies apportent des éclairages novateurs, autant que singuliers. Des sources et des méthodes très variées sont utilisées ici pour observer et retracer les déplacements humains, dans la longue durée ; toutes ne sont peut-être pas familières au lecteur. La perception des mo...
Débarre, Ségolène Franck, Alice Simon, Patrick
Weber, Rosa
Prior research suggests that disruptive events, such as shocks induced by family instability, neighborhood violence, or relocation, tend to be detrimental for children’s educational outcomes, but findings are heterogeneous depending on the type of event. Limited evidence is available on how shocks resulting from immigration enforcement impact educa...
Descamps, Julia Beauchemin, Cris
This paper aims to analyse how State policies, on the book and in practice, shape family reunification. It focuses on child migration under constraint in France, by analysing the timing and factors of (non-)reunification among foreign immigrants, whose legal conditions for family reunification are much more restrictive than for those who obtained t...
Haddad, Marine
This paper extends our knowledge on migrant selection and the impact migration policies have on it by studying migration from the French Overseas departments (DOM) to metropolitan France between 1960 and 2010. It analyses the effect changes in pro-migration policies have on selection based on education and socioeconomic background. Such comparison ...
Condon, Stéphanie
Les recherches ayant permis de sortir de l’invisibilité l’histoire de la migration antillaise mettent généralement l’accent sur sa place parmi les « migrations de travail » dans la France des années 1950-1970, sur le rôle de l’État dans l’expatriation des migrants, puis des discriminations subies. Relativement absente de la littérature est une visi...
Beauchemin, Cris Flahaux, Marie-Laurence Schoumaker, Bruno
Published in
Comparative Migration Studies
This paper reviews new evidence on the trends and patterns of migration between Africa and Europe since the mid-1970s, and discusses their congruency with the changing context of migration policy. Using data from the Determinants of International Migration (DEMIG) and the Migration between Africa and Europe (MAFE) projects, we compare flows and pol...
Ichou, Mathieu