This paper uses a novel matched employer-employee data set representing the formal sector in Bangladesh to provide descriptive evidence of both the relative importance of cognitive and non-cognitive skills in this part of the labor market and the interplay between skills and hiring channels in determining wages. While cognitive skills (literacy, a ...
De Haas, H.Czaika, M.Flahaux, Marie-LaurenceMahendra, E.Natter, K.Vezzoli, S.Varela, M.
What have been the main trends and drivers of international migration over the last century, and to what extent have migration policies been effective in shaping the volume, direction, timing, and selection of immigration and emigration? This paper reviews the insights on migration trends, determinants and policy effects gained through the DEMIG (D...
Les trois essais composant cette thèse apportent des contributions à la littérature sur les conséquences de la migration et des transferts privés sur le développement économique des pays d'origine d'Afrique Subsaharienne. Le premier essai évalue l'impact distributif des transferts internationaux et domestiques au Sénégal. Les résultats montrent que...
The objective of this paper is to shed light on the issue of education mismatch in the context of return migration in Egypt and Tunisia. Using data on both return and non-migrants in Egypt and Tunisia, we analyze the skills that migrants acquire before and during migration and the way these skills are used upon return. We find evidence of education...
Using first-hand data from the 2009 Employment and Informal Sector Survey (EESIC) in the two largest cities of the Republic of Congo, Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire, we analyze the impact of education on labour market outcomes, and identify the segments where education pays off the most. Multivariate analyses of the risk of unemployment and sectoral ...