Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS VI. Asteroseismology of the GW Vir-typ...
status: published
status: published
status: published
The ALICE ITS3 project foresees the use of ultra-light MAPS, developed in the 65 nm imaging process, for the vertex detector in the ALICE experiment at the LHC to drastically improve the vertexing performance. This new development, initiated by an international consortium of the ALICE ITS3 collaboration and the CERN EP R&D project, enhances the ove...
Published in mSphere
Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen involved in acute and chronic infections. Highly recalcitrant to antibiotic treatment, persistent infections are mostly associated with the loss of RNAIII expression, a master RNA regulator responsible for the switch from colonization to infection. Here, we used the MS2 affinity purification coupled w...
status: published
Surface net radiation (SNR) is a vital input for many land surface and hydrological models. However, most of the current remote sensing datasets of SNR come mostly at coarse resolutions or have large gaps due to cloud cover that hinder their use as input in models. Here, we present a downscaled and continuous daily SNR product across Europe for 201...
The ultra-thin and highly granular CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) are typically optimized for high rate high precision tracking, which implies the use of a very thin active medium and digital readout. Both features hamper using the devices for identifying low momentum particles by means of dE/dx. Still, MAPS feature charge sharing and ...
status: Published online
En los sondeos de opinión de las grandes metrópolis latinoamericanas, la movilidad cotidiana es la segunda preocupación después de la inseguridad. Una gran mayoría de los habitantes de las ciudades experimentan verdaderas dificultades para desplazarse a diario, y esto es aún más cierto para las clases desfavorecidas relegadas en los barrios perifér...
Published in Molecular Biology and Evolution
Landscape, climate, and culture can all structure human populations, but few existing methods are designed to simultaneously disentangle among a large number of variables in explaining genetic patterns. We developed a machine learning method for identifying the variables which best explain migration rates, as measured by the coalescent-based progra...