El Kadili, Sara Raes, Marianne Bister, Jean-Loup Beckers, Jean-François Amzati, Gaston Archa, Bouchaib Chentouf, Mouad Kirschvink, Nathalie
peer reviewed / The efficacy of eight combinations of fluorogestone acetate (FGA, 20 or 40 mg as intravaginal device during 11 days), equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG, 300 or 500 UI injected 48 hr before FGA removal) and prostaglandin F2α (cloprostenol, 0 or 50 μg injected 48 hr before FGA removal) aiming at induction and synchronization of oestr...
Tanaka, Sunao Ueno, Takayuki Sato, Fumiaki Chigusa, Yoshitsugu Kawaguchi-Sakita, Nobuko Kawashima, Masahiro Fujisawa, Noriyoshi Yoshimura, Kenichi Teramukai, Satoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi
Context:Circulating endothelial cells (CECs) and progenitor cells (CEPs) have been intensively studied as a promising tool for treating ischemic diseases and monitoring cancer treatments, but how the menstrual cycle affects the variation in their counts remains unclear. Objective:The aims of the study were to determine the influence of the menstrua...
Young, Jacques Bouligand, Jerome Francou, Bruno Raffin-Sanson, Marie*-Laure Gaillez, Stephanie Jeanpierre, Marc Grynberg, Michael Kamenicky, Peter Chanson, Philippe Brailly-Tabard, Sylvie
peer reviewed / CONTEXT: Missense loss-of-function mutations in TAC3 and TACR3, the genes encoding neurokinin B and its receptor NK3R, respectively, were recently discovered in kindreds with nonsyndromic normosmic congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH), thus identifying a fundamental role of this pathway in the human gonadotrope axis. OBJEC...
Moret, Mallory Stettler, Rodrigue Rodieux, Frederique Gaillard, Rolf C. Waeber, Gérard Wirthner, Daniel Giusti, Vittorio Tappy, Luc Pralong, Francois P.
Published in
Background/Aims: Endocrine features of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) include altered ovarian steroidogenesis, hyperinsulinemia and abnormal luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion. This study was undertaken to further evaluate the role of insulin to modulate LH secretion in lean PCOS patients with normal insulin sensitivity and normal volunteers. Met...
Bogaert, V. Vanbillemont, G. Taes, Y. De Bacquer, D. Deschepper, E. Van Steen, Kristel Kaufman, J. M.
peer reviewed / OBJECTIVE: The human androgen receptor (AR) contains a polyglutamine and a polyglycine stretch which are highly polymorphic and are coded respectively by a CAG and GGN repeat in exon 1 of the AR gene. Although the in vitro studies indicated a possible effect of the GGN repeat polymorphism on the AR gene transcription and clinical ob...
Tamagno, Gianluca Daly, Adrian Deprez, Manuel Vroonen, Laurent Andris, Cécile Martin, Didier Beckers, Albert
Introduction L’impuissance sexuelle et la diminution de libido sont les symptômes principaux du prolactinome chez l’homme. Nous décrivons un cas inhabituel sur les plans clinique, anatomopathologique et biologique chez un homme souffrant d’un prolactinome géant mais gardant une fonction gonadique normale. Cas clinique Un homme de 57 ans s’est prése...
Tamagno, Gianluca Daly, Adrian Deprez, Manuel Vroonen, Laurent Andris, Cécile Martin, Didier Beckers, Albert
Introduction L’impuissance sexuelle et la diminution de libido sont les symptômes principaux du prolactinome chez l’homme. Nous décrivons un cas inhabituel sur les plans clinique, anatomopathologique et biologique chez un homme souffrant d’un prolactinome géant mais gardant une fonction gonadique normale. Cas clinique Un homme de 57 ans s’est prése...
Ferrante, M. Henckaerts, L. Joossens, M. Pierik, M. Joossens, S. Dotan, N. Norman, G. Altstock, R. Van Steen, Kristel Rutgeerts, P.
peer reviewed / OBJECTIVE: The human androgen receptor (AR) contains a polyglutamine and a polyglycine stretch which are highly polymorphic and are coded respectively by a CAG and GGN repeat in exon 1 of the AR gene. Although the in vitro studies indicated a possible effect of the GGN repeat polymorphism on the AR gene transcription and clinical ob...
Helmerhorst, F M Van Vliet, H A A M Gornas, T Finken, M J J Grimes, D A
Published in
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
The postcoital test has poor diagnostic and prognostic characteristics. Nevertheless, some physicians believe it can identify scanty or abnormal mucus that might impair fertility. One way to avoid 'hostile' cervical mucus is intrauterine insemination. With this technique, the physician injects sperm directly into the uterine cavity through a small ...
岡, 裕也 根来, 宏光 杉野, 善雄 岩村, 博史 諸井, 誠司 川喜田, 睦司
前立腺癌に対する両側精巣摘出術およびLHRHアゴニスト投与による副腎由来アンドロゲンの推移を検討した.対象は, 初回内分泌治療を行った進行前立腺癌患者17例で, 両側精巣摘出術施行の8例(精巣摘出群)と, LHRHアナログ投与治療の6例および前立腺全摘術前ネオアジュバントホルモン療法施行の3例(LHRH群)に分けて, この両群間の治療前後におけるホルモン値を測定した.その結果, 術前のPSA値はLHRH群で有意に低値で, テストステロン(T)は両群で有意に低下したが, LH, FSHは精巣摘出群で有意に上昇し, LHRH群で有意に低下していた.ACTH, cortisolは両群とも有意な変化はなかったが, アンドロステンジオンでは両群とも有意に低下していた.また, デヒドロエピアンドロステロ...