Itock Bessoubelmonang, Patricia Andréa Blaise Itock, Christian
La ville intelligente ou Smart city désigne des politiques urbaines utilisant les technologies de l’information et de communication (TIC) pour accélérer la transition écologique d’une ville en affichant sa compétitivité internationale. Dans un contexte des villes africaines, influencées par des cultures complexes, d’une population à la croissance r...
Chiriboga Mendoza, Fidel Ricardo Montagud Mayor, Xavier Zambrano Pilay, Enrique Cristóbal
NGOs play a crucial role in promoting equitable and sustainable development, strengthening local capacities, fostering community participation, and working in alignment with the SDGs. International cooperation facilitates the effective implementation of these projects, enabling the transfer of resources and necessary knowledge to promote sustainabl...
Hadia, Benmahdi Samir, Benberrah
Purpose: This study examines how the transport sector has become prominent in any country's economic, social, and urban development. Theoretical Framework: The growth and development achieved by this transport sector extends its impact to all other sectors, especially at the local level, which affects the country’s general economic growth. This i...
Martínez Suárez, Marisol Pulecio Bazurto, María Otilia Sicachá Marín, Leidy Carolina Barragán Rodríguez, Vannesa Alexandra Sánchez Bustamante, Laura Karina
The contribution refers to the generational change in the pottery handicraft activity of a rural community, the effect of this on the local and cultural development of the community, under a qualitative approach with application of the ethnographic method of interpretative character, applying techniques such as: life history, structured interview a...
Le, Thao
This master's thesis explores the potential for collaboration among diverse actors on the island of Gotland to achieve environmental sustainability. The study employs the concept of biomimicry, utilising selected natural phenomena as a source of inspiration. A theoretical framework and qualitative research methodology are employed to guide the proc...
Augias, Damien
La création en France, au 1er janvier 2020, d’une Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT) peut être analysée comme un exemple de réforme administrative qui pose des enjeux importants de mise en œuvre de politiques contractualisées et programmatiques (s’agissant du développement des métropoles, des villes petites et moyennes, des terr...
Alonso, Diego
The Chilean healthcare system is structured under an Integral Health Care Model, in which no clear role has been defined for Low Complexity Hospitals (HBC) have no defined role yet. In this work we made a review of the current regulations that determines the operation of these establishments is carried out. We present the case of Llanquihue Hospita...
Briamont, Thomas Collineau, Estelle Leysten, Benoît Duarte Cândido, Manuelina Maria
En avril 2019, les étudiants du master en muséologie de l’Université de Liège (Belgique) ont eu la chance de visiter Mértola. Située dans le sud du Portugal, cette petite ville est l’héritière d’un riche patrimoine valorisé depuis 1978 par le « Campo Arqueológico de Mértola ». Reposant sur les observations réalisées au cours de ce voyage, cet artic...
Adomon, Abodou Athanase
Between 2000 and 2011, the military-political and civil crises undermined the implementation of various local development projects in Côte d'Ivoire. After crises, funding difficulties became even more acute. Decentralized communities, which have already been faced with shrinking budgets since 1980, are struggling to meet the needs expressed by loca...
Grison, Jean-Baptiste Pachoud, Carine Koop, Kirsten Hirczak, Maud Gros-Balthazard, Marjolaine Nassima, Hakimi-Pradels
Faced with the challenge of global change, research on social innovations is multiplying in Europe and North America. In the gaps left by institutions, social innovations highlight the capacity of individuals and groups to develop alternative projects and practices that promote socio-ecological transitions toward sustainability, whether in terms of...