Salsabila, Safira Navitas, Prananda
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Urban street design features are crucial in influencing visitors’ and users’ mental health and well-being. Street design affects the quality of urban life for all users, so creating sustainable and universal spaces that encourage walking, cycling, and public transportation is essential. This article examines urban corridor design features that affe...
Zago Mendes, Victoria Vitari, Claudio
The paper provides an overview of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in New Product Development (NPD). The main objective of the research is to analyze AI tools that can assist companies in NPD. To accomplish that, a sample of 431 papers, published from September 2016 to 2023, in the management and computer sciences fields have been collected using...
Zago Mendes, Victoria Vitari, Claudio
The paper provides an overview of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in New ProductDevelopment (NPD). The main objective of the research is to analyze AI tools that can assist companies in NPD. To accomplish that, a sample of 431 papers, published from September 2016 to 2023, in the management and computer sciences fields have been collected using ...
坂間, 博康
「普通」は臨床場面でよく語られる言葉であり,「普通」に合わせることの不適応が報告されているが,「普通」という日常語について体系的に論じた先行研究は見たらない。そこで本研究では,「普通」という言葉が指す意味や,不適応状態と結びつきやすい「普通」,そして今後の研究課題を示すことを目的に文献レビューを行った。その結果,「普通」は一般的には,ポジティブで安心感と結びつく言葉であるが,社会通念の意識や他者との比較をした際には,命令的規範や記述的規範と結びつき,ネガティブで不安定をもたらしうる言葉となることがわかった。心理臨床においては,規範的な「普通」ではなく,自分をそのまま認める新たな「普通」を作り直すことや,「普通」自体と距離をとることが1 つの目標になると考えられた。今後の研究課題として,属性に...
Garçon, Quentin Cabanes, Benjamin Denis-Rémis, Cédric
BACKGROUND Digital health has emerged as a transformative force in modern healthcare systems, witnessing a surge in technological innovations and solutions over the past two to three decades. Some studies gave an overview of the keywords and journals to decipher the visibility of digital health. Despite the increasing focus on digital health, a cri...
Balbo, Flavien Mandiau, René Zargayouna, Mahdi
Abstract Over the past few decades, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have emerged as an effective way to improve the performance of transportation systems. ITS provide innovative services, enhance travel safety, provide travellers with more choices, and make transportation systems more efficient. Multi-agent systems (MAS), which define auto...
Zoumenou, Roméo Bodeau-Livinec, Florence Chausseboeuf, Léa Boivin, Michael J Wendland, Jaqueline
Published in
Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists
Most neurodevelopmental tests used to assess child development in sub-Saharan Africa were developed in western or high-income countries, raising the question of their usefulness with African children. This systematic review identified and synthesized key findings from studies measuring development in children in Sub-Saharan Africa in early childhoo...
Hammarbäck, Nicolin Rahkonen, Paula
Introduction: Every year 13 000 people suffer from a sudden cardiac arrest in Sweden. When a sudden cardiac arrest occurs the heart malfunctions and the blood-flow to the body's organs is disrupted. This is a life threatening condition that demands early discovery and treatment. More people survive a cardiac arrest in part thanks to more defibrilla...
Månsson, Julia Lammi Ödmark, Emelie
Yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete, däribland kuratorer, löper hög risk att drabbas av långvarig sjukfrånvaro med psykisk diagnos. Tidigare forskning visar att den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön har en tydlig koppling till arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa. Trots det tenderar interventioner, i syfte att motverka arbetsrelaterad stress, att r...
Bahi, Rebecka Hassan, Hani Dayah
Bakgrund: Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom är en folkhälsosjukdom som drabbar miljontals människor och är det tredje vanligaste dödsorsaken i världen. För att kunna bemöta patienterna som drabbas av sjukdom krävs stort ansvar av sjukvården och främst sjuksköterskor som har en betydande roll av att främja hälsa och minska symtomlidande. Patienter behö...