Tate, Tamara PKim, Young-Suk GraceCollins, PenelopeWarschauer, MarkOlson, Carol Booth
This article provides three major contributions to the literature: we provide granular information on the development of student argumentative writing across secondary school; we replicate the MacArthur et al. model of Natural Language Processing (NLP) writing features that predict quality with a younger group of students; and we are able to examin...
Abstract: With the advent of ChatGPT and other large language models, the number of artificial texts we encounter on a daily basis is about to increase substantially. This essay asks how this new textual situation may influence what one can call the “standard expectation of unknown texts,” which has always included the assumption that any text is t...
This dissertation explores the kind of moral thinking at stake in the poetry and poetics of Gerard Manley Hopkins, T.S. Eliot, and Geoffrey Hill. For these poet-critics, poems could be a means of articulating matters of moral and spiritual value. This emerges, however, less often by propositional statement than by means of the multifaceted generic ...
This article examines what activism looks like in an age of “deep writing.” As alumni find their ways through multiple domains of life after graduation, what role does writing play in helping them orient themselves toward engagement with the world around them? This article reviews relevant literature, including some of the difficulties of defining ...
Medieval Bruges was an important international economic hub in the late Middle Ages. Similar to other luxury goods, manuscripts produced in Bruges were intended for both local and international audiences. This article scrutinizes the specific urban context of Bruges as a multilingual contact zone focusing on quantitative data of extant manuscripts ...