Holman, Katie L. Schummer, Michael L. Petrie, Scott A. Chen, Yu-Wei Belzile, Nelson
Published in
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Red-necked grebes (Podiceps grisegena) are piscivorous waterbirds that breed on freshwater lakes in northwestern Canada and stop-over at the Great Lakes during autumn migration to molt feathers and replenish lipid and protein reserves. The objectives of this study were to (1) describe concentrations of, and correlations among, inorganic contaminant...
Pasternak, A. F. Arashkevich, E. A. Nikishina, A. B.
Published in
Doklady Biological Sciences
Frontera, Jimena L. Vatnick, Itzick Chaulet, Anouk Rodríguez, Enrique M.
Published in
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus have a high commercial value and are cultured in farms where they are potentially exposed to pesticides. Therefore, we examined the sublethal effects of a 50-day exposure to glyphosate acid and polyoxyethylenamine (POEA), both alone and in a 3:1 mixture, on the growth and energetic reserves in muscle, hepa...
Pethybridge, Heidi Daley, Ross Virtue, Patti Nichols, Peter D.
Published in
Marine Biology
We studied the lipid dynamics (lipid contents, classes and fatty acids) during oogenesis and early embryogenesis of 7 viviparous and 3 oviparous deepwater chondrichthyans. Mature pre-ovulated ovarian follicles of all species were high in lipid content, indicative of large energetic expenditure and high maternal investment. Larger lipid reserves wer...
Galatchi, Liviu-Daniel
Published in
BMC Plant Biology
Brillon, Sophie Lambert, Yvan Dodson, Julian
Published in
Marine Biology
Laboratory experiments on ovigerous females of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) were used to assess the effects of temperature and food ration on female condition during incubation and examine how combined effects of temperature and female condition influenced egg survival, embryonic development, and larval characteristics. Ovigerous females wer...
Grottoli, A. G. Rodrigues, L. J. Juarez, C.
Published in
Marine Biology
Mass coral bleaching events have occurred on a global scale throughout the world’s tropical oceans and can result in large-scale coral mortality and degradation of coral reef communities. Coral bleaching has often been attributed to periods of above normal seawater temperatures and/or calm conditions with high levels of ultraviolet radiation. Unusu...
Bryan, Patrick J.
Published in
Marine Biology
Rates of oxygen consumption were measured for embryos, larvae and juveniles of the seastar Mediaster aequalis for 76 days post-fertilization. The rate increased from 0.65 nmol O2 ind−1 h−1 at 6 h after fertilization to 2.8 nmol O2 ind−1 h−1 at day 35. Larvae became competent to metamorphose around day 35 post-fertilization and began to decrease the...
Pasternak, A. Arashkevich, E. Tande, K. Falkenhaug, T.
Published in
Marine Biology
Seasonal dynamics of feeding activity, oil sac volume, gonad development, sex ratio and spawning periods in the two sibling species Calanusfinmarchicus and C. hyperboreus, the key zooplankton copepod organisms throughout the northern Atlantic waters, were studied simultaneously in Malangen, northern Norway, during 1992. We were also tracing differe...
Voronina, N. Kolosova, E. Melnikov, I.
Published in
Polar Biology
Zooplankton was collected during the drift on the USA-Russia Ice Station Weddell 1 in the western Weddell Sea. Stratified tows up to 1,000 m depths were performed under perennial ice at a distance of ca. 300 km from the marginal ice zone from March to May 1992. Seasonal abundance, developmental stage composition and vertical distribution in populat...