Thofte, Linus
This paper is an explorative interaction design study focusing on the development of a wearable device for enhanced learning of bodily skills. It uses a variation of technology scouting and matchmaking to explore possible technologies related to assistive technology for learning. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with people in the concerne...
Petitjean, Hugues Schmoll, Patrick
Dans leur diversité, les pandémies virales présentent des formes comparables, d'où l'on déduit une sorte de destin habituel de ces pathogènes. On sait qu'ils procèdent par vagues, présentent des mutations, des variances, et finissent souvent par devenir endémiques dans des formes qui n'exterminent pas la population de leurs hôtes. Parfois ils s'int...
Teern, Anna Kelanti, Markus Päivärinta, Tero Karaila, Mika
Knowledge graphs (KGs) structure knowledge to enable the development of intelligent systems across several application domains. In industrial maintenance, comprehensive knowledge of the factory, machinery, and components is indispensable. This study defines the objectives for evolvable KGs, building upon our prior research, where we initially ident...
Published in
Educational Technology Research and Development
Snyder, William M. Wenger, Etienne
Published in
Social Learning Systems and Communities of Practice
We live in a small world, where a rural Chinese butcher who contracts a new type of deadly flu virus can infect a visiting international traveller, who later infects attendees at a conference in a Hong Kong hotel, who within weeks spread the disease to Vietnam, Singapore, Canada, and Ireland. Fortunately, the virulence of the Severe Acute Respirato...
Navetty, Oswaldo Castillo Matta, Nada
The management of knowledge and know-how becomes more and more important in organizations. Building corporate memories for conserving and sharing knowledge has become a rather common practice. However, we often forget that the efficiency of these activities is strictly connected to the appropriation capacities and learning of the organizational act...
Shimansky, Yury P. Kang, Tao He, Jiping
Published in
Biological Cybernetics
A computational model of a learning system (LS) is described that acquires knowledge and skill necessary for optimal control of a multisegmental limb dynamics (controlled object or CO), starting from “knowing” only the dimensionality of the object’s state space. It is based on an optimal control problem setup different from that of reinforcement le...
Bales, James R. T. Morgan, Matthew E. Rueter, Bradley A.
Published in
The Chemical Educator
Computer-controlled data acquisition is rapidly becoming the rule rather than the exception in general chemistry laboratories. The LabWorks learning system is one of many computer-controlled data acquisition interfaces that allow students to quickly obtain and analyze chemistry data. This article explains how communication is established between a ...
Shevlyakov, A. S.
Published in
Journal of Mathematical Sciences
The use of JavaServer Page technology for developing internet distance learning systems is discussed in this article.
Plagemann, Thomas Goebel, Vera
Published in
Telecommunication Systems
Interactive distance learning (IDL) is an evolving paradigm of instruction and learning that attempts to overcome both distance and time constraints found in traditional classroom learning. The electronic classrooms at two sites of the University of Oslo and two further sites in Norway overcome separations in space by exchanging digital audio, vide...