The project is a sequel of the project with the reference number 02-WA9738/7. Key aspects of the project were (a) development and examination of measures for the improvement of biomass-retention-systems of high-performance anaerobic systems (b) the improvement of early detection for overloading of anaerobic reactors. The lab-scale plant of the prel...
All meeting contributions are presented only in foils, the main topics are: competition between grids; grids and customers; new business fields for grid services; quo vadis master metering?; unbundling as synergy killer or chance for the grid; legal aspects for gas- or power grid; load management for trade and households; recommendations for Asset ...
An extensive theoretical and experimental analysis of energy consumption in private households and smal businesses led to the development of mathematical description methods for energetic time series analyses and to the derivation of algorithms for optimisation of energy consumption situations. Realistic customer profiles are particularly important...