Cesar da Silva, Raquel Aparecida Saldanha, Maria Helena Henriques
The literature produced in Africa occupies an uncertain position in the Western cultural panorama, both for the incipient condition of its production and the thought, deeply rooted, that there would be an African essentiality to be preserved against all forms of exchange, including the exchange of ideas. But the truth is that such essentiality, i...
Pimenta, Tamy de Macedo
Reviewed book:PIRES CABRAL, Rui. Oh! Lusitania. Lisboa: Paralelo W, 2014.---DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21881/abriluff.2016n17a387 / Livro resenhado:PIRES CABRAL, Rui. Oh! Lusitania. Lisboa: Paralelo W, 2014.---DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21881/abriluff.2016n17a387
Bispo, Erica Cristina Bezerra Júnior, Heleno Alváres
This article consists of a proposition of methodogical reformulation for Literature teaching under analysis, profiting from the emphasis on the inclusion of Portuguese-Africans, African-Brazilians and Indigenous writers in OCNs (National Curricula Guidance) in Brazil. Being so, we discuss the possibility of regarding Literature teaching materials b...
Felizi, Natasha Furlan
The article proposes reading Os Lusíadas as a discovery journey. Discovery here read as aletheia or “revelation”, as proposed by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen in 1980. Using Martin Heidegger’s notion of aletheia in the book Parmenides along with Jorge de Sena and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen reflections on Camões, I’ll seek to point out alt...
Garmes, Hélder
Portuguese language poetry written in Goa, former Portuguese colony in India, is closely related to the Portuguese language poetry produced in different parts of the world. In this paper, our objective is to explore some of the connections of Goan poetry in Portuguese with Brazilian and Mozambican poetry in order to show the importance of including...
Secco, Carmen Lucía Tindó
Leitura de crônicas de Ana Paula Tavares publicadas recentemente na página da internet Rede Angola. A escritora – também poetisa de excelência – se vale de metáforas que atravessam vários de seus textos, cujos multifacetados e sinuosos percursos as transformam em viagens por dentro do tempo e das palavras. Metáforas de dores, medos, opressões, si...
Rosa Lima, Norma Sueli
This article proposes to examine the dialogue between the literary produc-tions from Brazil and Cape Verde from the point of view of the role and representation of orality (Creole / Brazilian Portuguese), colonial and post-colonial perspectives and their cultural and ethnic specificities.---DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21881/abriluff.2016n17a385 / Est...
Erthal, Aline Duque
Reviewed book:ATHAYDE, Manaíra Aires (Org.). Literatura Explicativa: ensaios sobre Ruy Belo. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2015 / Livro resenhado:ATHAYDE, Manaíra Aires (Org.). Literatura Explicativa: ensaios sobre Ruy Belo. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2015
Paz, Demétrio Alves
The purpose of this essay is to analyze the symbolism in the book Mornas eram as noites (Warm were the nights), by Cape-Verdean writer Dina Salústio, and propose a thematic typology to the short stories, relating it to the topic of voyage. In the thirty-five narratives, we note that are common themes in some of them, such as: leaving and returning...
Oliveira Marques Gomide, Renata
Reviewed book:TAVARES, Gonçalo M. Short movies. Porto Alegre: Dublinenses, 2015. / Livro resenhado:TAVARES, Gonçalo M. Short movies. Porto Alegre: Dublinenses, 2015.