Oliveira, Maria Lúcia Wiltshire
The poet thinks of the word and dies in it. The poet “dies of think” (Quignard) and dies of write. To thinking, to die, to write are simultaneous acts to the effect of the writing and any distance from death. Sometimes a strong experience of helplessness can illuminate the vertigo of this encounter that allows the author to act as “dead.” This is w...
Silva Prado Lessa, Maria
In many of his poems, the surrealist Mário Cesariny employs metalinguistic structures common in what we call “ars poeticas” seeking to reflect upon the different representations of the poet and the power of the poetic verb. The poems seem to fold over themselves, installing a dynamic in which the poetic voice simultaneously has and has not its orig...
Felizi, Natasha Furlan
The article proposes reading Os Lusíadas as a discovery journey. Discovery here read as aletheia or “revelation”, as proposed by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen in 1980. Using Martin Heidegger’s notion of aletheia in the book Parmenides along with Jorge de Sena and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen reflections on Camões, I’ll seek to point out alt...
Secco, Carmen Lucía Tindó
Leitura de crônicas de Ana Paula Tavares publicadas recentemente na página da internet Rede Angola. A escritora – também poetisa de excelência – se vale de metáforas que atravessam vários de seus textos, cujos multifacetados e sinuosos percursos as transformam em viagens por dentro do tempo e das palavras. Metáforas de dores, medos, opressões, si...
Erthal, Aline Duque
Reviewed book:ATHAYDE, Manaíra Aires (Org.). Literatura Explicativa: ensaios sobre Ruy Belo. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2015 / Livro resenhado:ATHAYDE, Manaíra Aires (Org.). Literatura Explicativa: ensaios sobre Ruy Belo. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2015
de Rossi Martin, Vima Lia
Considering the fulfillment of the Law no 10.639/03, the article presents six proposals for the teaching of African and African-Brazilian literature in high school, in view of the comparative method and the prospective approach (ABDALA JR., 2003). ---DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21881/abriluff.2016n17a382 / Considerando o cumprimento da Lei no 10.639/...
Taborda, Terezinha
This study analyzes the enunciative construction in the short story “As cicatrizes do amor”, by Paulina Chiziane (2007), exploring how the subjectivity of a storyteller enunciates itself demarcating the presence of an "African gnosis" (MUDIMBE, 2013) in the literary writing. The text seeks to show how the writer, by this narrative strategy, establi...
Schmidt, Simone
Much has been written about the traumatic experience of the ‘returned’ to Portugal, after the colonial period in African countries. However, some recently publicated novels - notably, Caderno de memórias coloniais (Isabela Figueiredo, 2009), and O retorno (Dulce Maria Cardoso, 2012) - retake this subject through a subjective discourse, focusing f...
Fiuza Cardoso Yokozawa, Solange
In this paper we propose to analyze the complex relationships between João Cabral de Melo Neto and Portuguese literature and the way he fits in this literature through Cesário Verde, whose poetry is stripped of rhetorical ornaments and focuses, among all the senses, a vision of reality. These characteristics made the author of Serial recognize him...
Espínola, Paloma Roriz
It is not rare that arquitecture opens up to dialog with literature, like it is clearly noticed with the appropriation that some writers have done with it. Such as with Paul Valery’s and João Cabral de Melo Neto’s with their recriation of Amphion’s myth. The anglo-portuguese writer Gonçalo M. Tavares argues on two essays, Arquitetura, natureza e a...