Cesar da Silva, Raquel Aparecida Saldanha, Maria Helena Henriques
The literature produced in Africa occupies an uncertain position in the Western cultural panorama, both for the incipient condition of its production and the thought, deeply rooted, that there would be an African essentiality to be preserved against all forms of exchange, including the exchange of ideas. But the truth is that such essentiality, i...
Secco, Carmen Lucía Tindó
Leitura de crônicas de Ana Paula Tavares publicadas recentemente na página da internet Rede Angola. A escritora – também poetisa de excelência – se vale de metáforas que atravessam vários de seus textos, cujos multifacetados e sinuosos percursos as transformam em viagens por dentro do tempo e das palavras. Metáforas de dores, medos, opressões, si...
Macedo, Tania Celestino
The text presents some of the features of José Luandino Vieira’s artwork in Luuanda, trying to demonstrate how this book builds its literary autonomy, either in relation to language, geography or characters, without however destroying its ties with History. / O texto apresenta algumas das coordenadas do trabalho artístico de José Luandino Vieira em...
de Rossi Martin, Vima Lia
Considering the fulfillment of the Law no 10.639/03, the article presents six proposals for the teaching of African and African-Brazilian literature in high school, in view of the comparative method and the prospective approach (ABDALA JR., 2003). ---DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21881/abriluff.2016n17a382 / Considerando o cumprimento da Lei no 10.639/...
Lima Sabino, Camila
This article consist a comparative analysis of “O beijo da palavrinha” and “A chuva pasmada”, both works from the Mozambican writer Mia Couto, addressed to young people and children. The objective is to investigate the consonance and the differences of literary treatments given to the themes of death and childhood, as also to analyze, from these tr...
Taborda, Terezinha
This study analyzes the enunciative construction in the short story “As cicatrizes do amor”, by Paulina Chiziane (2007), exploring how the subjectivity of a storyteller enunciates itself demarcating the presence of an "African gnosis" (MUDIMBE, 2013) in the literary writing. The text seeks to show how the writer, by this narrative strategy, establi...
Zorrer da Silva, Fernando Crespim
In Mia Couto’s collection of short stories Estórias Abensonhadas, the Mozambican author seeks to revive cultural tradition through characters who are faced with extreme situations in their lives. One of the short stories, “Nas águas do tempo”, stands out as it introduces elements of both the profane and the sacred that are peculiar to mythical narr...
Jacob, Sheila Ribeiro
During the period of the struggles for Angolan independence, the city of Luanda has become one of the privileged symbolic spaces of literary texts, being a reference for the construction of national identity process. After the independence, Angolan authors start to write about the disillusionment and disappointment and the new challenges for the co...
Oliveira, Adilson Vagner de
This paper aims at reflecting on the poetic possibilities of productions that take the encounter of cultures as compositional element to discuss issues beyond the limits of literature and culture. Thus, we sought to demonstrate the dynamics of cross-cultural symbolic systems through the political play A Revolta da Casa dos Ídolos (1978) by Pepetela...
Silva, Rui
João Vário e Arménio Vieira são hoje os poetas mais influentes de Cabo Verde. Nos primeiros anos após a Independência do país, Vário publica no jornal Voz di Povo alguns excertos das “Epístolas ao meu irmão António”, nas quais exige a criação de uma poesia mais complexa, informada e universalista do que aquela que as novas gerações haviam herdado ...