Guzmán-Iñigo, J Yang, D Johnson, HG Morgans, AS
Short circular holes with a mean bias flow passing through them can absorb or generate acoustic energy depending on frequency. A recently proposed semi-analytical model (Yang and Morgans, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 384, 2016 pp. 294–311) based on the Green’s function method successfully captured this acoustic absorption and generation. Th...
Pattyn, Christophe Willekens, Philippe Audenaert, Emmanuel
The success of dual-mobility sockets in achieving implant stability in primary hip replacement is already well established. However, stability cannot always be achieved, especially when dealing with more difficult indications. At our department, 104 dual-mobility sockets (92 uncemented and 12 cemented) were implanted for primary total hip arthropla...
L’étude présentée dans cette thèse se situe dans le domaine de l’acoustique modale des conduitsavec des parois absorbantes et un écoulement moyen. Nous considérons une source de bruit enamont avec une fréquence fixe. Avec cela, nous étudions les modes propres acoustiques du conduiten terme de nombre d’onde qui sont présents.Avec cette étude, nous c...
Pattyn, Christophe Audenaert, Emmanuel
Encouraged by the success of dual-mobility sockets in achieving implant stability in primary hip replacement, surgeons have started to use the implant in revision hip arthroplasty. However, very little is known yet about the postoperative complication rate of this type of implant when fixation in a reinforcement ring is required. In our department,...
Cha, Hyun-Suk Yu, Bin Lee, Yong-Keun Lee, YK
Objectives. Soft denture lining materials show varied and changeable stress relaxation property and softness under cyclic loading conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in the stress relaxation property and the softness of commercial soft lining materials after cyclic loading.
Skirde, E. Esders, H. Ivantysyn, J. Sauer-Danfoss GmbH und Co. OHG, Neumuens...
Skirde, E. Esders, H. Ivantysyn, J. Sauer-Danfoss GmbH und Co. OHG, Neumuens...
The Sauer-Danfoss project covered the testing of ceramic pistons and bushings in oil-hydraulic swash plate axial piston pumps. Both components move relative to each other while transmitting very high forces. This results in high component stresses and in high tribological loads of the contact surface. If the ceramic components can withstand both ty...
Verband der Keramischen Industrie e.V., ... Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Nuernberg (German...
Meeting with the following topics: Specifications on ceramic materials, research and development for ceramic materials, utilization of refractories, energy conservation by ceramic burners, high temperature heat exchangers for solar devices, Whipex e new ceramic material with broad utilization fields. (GL) / Konferenz mit folgenden Schwerpunkten: An...
Verband der Keramischen Industrie e.V., ... Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Nuernberg (German...
Falkner, H. Teutsch, M. (eds.) Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany).... Amtliche Materialpruefanstalt fuer das B...
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