Feraldi, Alessandro Giudici, Cristina Brouard, Nicolas
Published in
Journal of aging and health
Using Interpolated Markov Chain software, we compare the length of life with and without depression among married individuals and widowers, and the related sex differences. We applied a multi-state life table approach to estimate depression-free life expectancy among recent cohorts of older married and widowed women and men in the United States, us...
Breton, Didier Belliot, Nicolas Barbieri, Magali Chaput, Justine d'Albis, Hippolyte
Au 1er janvier 2024, la France comptait 68,4 millions d’habitants, soit 230 000 de plus qu’au 1er janvier 2023. Le solde naturel a atteint un niveau historiquement bas depuis l’après-guerre et depuis 2018, et le solde migratoire est le principal moteur démographique du pays. Deuxième pays le plus peuplé de l’UE27 (15,2 % de la population), la Franc...
Camarda, Carlo Giovanni Robine, Jean-Marie
As far back as the seventh century BC, the Nineveh tablets and earliest surviving Greek poems bore witness to the human preoccupation with immortality, eternal youth and the comparative longevity of species. While the origins of these discussions can be traced back to ancient thinkers like Aristotle and Plutarch, it was not until the Renaissance of...
Duthé, Géraldine Vanhoutte, Lucie Ouédraogo, Soumaïla Pison, Gilles
The Global South, that groups together low- or middle- income countries mainly located in Africa, Asia and Latin America, concentrates most of the world population. Population ageing, caused by the demographic transition and a large decrease in fertility and mortality rates, make these countries face numerous challenges. Among regions in the Global...
Merville, Ophélie Bonnet, Florian Launoy, Guy Camarda, Carlo Giovanni Cambois, Emmanuelle
The growth in life expectancy (LE) slows down recently in several high-income countries. Among the underlying dynamics, uneven progress in LE across social groups has been pointed out. However, these dynamics has not been extensively studied, partly due to data limitations. In this paper, we explore this area for the 2010 decade using recent French...
Garcia, Jenny Meslé, France
During the last century, Latin American countries experienced a rapid decrease in mortality rates and a shift in cause-of-death structure, marked by significant reductions in infectious and parasitic diseases. These mortality changes initially manifested in urban areas and progressed more rapidly in countries with higher levels of urbanization. At ...
Pison, Gilles Poniakina, Svitlana
The world’s population reached 8.2 billion people in 2024. It has increased eightfold within 2 centuries and is likely to continue growing, perhaps even reaching 10 billion by the end of the 21st century. How is the world’s population distributed? Which countries have the highest fertility rates? And where is life expectancy the longest? Every 2 ye...
Sauerberg, Markus Bonnet, Florian Camarda, Carlo Giovanni Grigoriev, Pavel
The conventional approach to gauging mortality convergence in Europe relies on life expectancy estimates (e0{e^0\) at the national level. However, mortality can differ within countries significantly. To better apprehend whether Europe's mortality patterns have been converging or diverging over recent decades, we must shift our focus to regional mor...
Ghoroubi, Narges Terry, Mary Beth Counil, Emilie
Employment and working conditions are strong social determinants of health, yet many epidemiological studies fail to account for their impact on life expectancy calculations. Integration of working conditions into health estimates requires both valid methodology and data sources. Using the French National Health and Career Path survey and French li...
Ghío Suárez, Gonzalo Alegría Silva, Andrés Garcia, Jenny
El artículo muestra el impacto directo e indirecto del COVID-19 en la esperanza de vida de Chile durante el año 2020, utilizando las estadísticas de defunciones definitivas publicadas en marzo del año 2023. Para ello, se estimó una mortalidad contrafactual para año 2020 sin el COVID-19, siguiendo el patrón de mortalidad según causas de muerte desde...