Gao, Ruizhen Li, Yuang Li, Baihua Li, Guoguang
Published in
Measurement Science and Technology
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is one of the key technologies in robot navigation and autonomous driving, playing an important role in robot navigation. Due to the sparsity of LiDAR data and the singularity of point cloud features, accuracy loss of LiDAR SLAM can occur during point cloud matching and localization. In response to these...
Trevisani, Bruno Luís
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Blumenau, Engenharia de Controle e Automação. / Este trabalho aborda a aplicação da tecnologia LIDAR para escaneamento de ambientes internos em 3D, apresentando um protótipo integrado com componentes eletrônicos controlados por algoritmos. O estudo envolve a construção do sistema, inc...
Kayen, Robert Russo, Brittany M
Point cloud modeling of rock slopes using LIDAR and Structure-from-Motion digital stereophotogrammetry provides,at a minimum, thousands of facets and facet normals that can be used to identify the densities of orientations of rock massdiscontinuities, the geometries of potentially removable blocks, and the character of the excavation face. As part ...
svoboda, jan
Tato práce se zabývá vývojem algoritmů pro vytváření modelů stromů z dat LIDARu. V práci je navržen postup pro odstranění země a pro detekci kmene stromu a na něj navazujících větví. Algoritmus pracuje s reálnými daty z experimentu se 400 let starými duby letními stojícími na hrázi rybníka Homolka v Praze. Z pořízených dat byl vytvořen graf modeluj...
Васильев, Н. В. д., леонов к. Сычугова, О. В. Воробьева, Т. С.
The nature of the post-fire natural renewal of the forest in the cuttings in the pine forests of the Ulyanovsk region has been studied. It was found that in 1917 (1 year after the grass-roots fire) and in 2023, birch self-seeding prevailed in natural reforestation in the cuttings of burnt forest and raw-growing forest. In addition, in both accounti...
Токарева, Л. Е. Чащина, А. В. Алексеева, О. В. Демидов, Д. В.
The article discusses the process of changing attitudes towards the use of a car that provides freedom of movement. Now freedom of movement consists in having your own car. In the future, freedom of movement will turn into a service that will be provided by the operator. The advantages of using self-driving cars are given. / В статье рассмотрен про...
Marage, Damien Fruchart, Catherine Jouffroy-Bapicot, Isabelle Girardclos, Olivier Balland, Vincent
L’écologie historique requiert une approche multi-disciplinaire, pour laquelle quelques considérations méthodologiques sont ici abordées, notamment pour percer les secrets de l’histoire holocène des forêts. L’apport de la technologie lidar est plus particulièrement détaillé. Un nombre croissant d’outils, de jeux de données et de datations permet dé...
veškrna, daniel
Tato práce je věnována porovnání několika technik estimace jízdních pruhů s různými modely geometrie vozovky za využití veřejně dostupných dat z LIDARu a kamer. Za tímto účelem byl vyvinut celý framework pro zpracování dat a vyhodnocování chyb. Znalost toho, jak se prezentované metody chovají za konkrétních okolností a jaké jsou ve srovnání mezi se...
Yrttimaa, Tuomas Kankare, Ville Luoma, Ville Junttila, Samuli Saarinen, Ninni Calders, Kim Holopainen, Markus Hyyppä, Juha Vastaranta, Mikko
Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) has been adopted as a feasible technique to characterize tree stems while the characterization of trees’ branching architecture has remained less explored. In general, branching architecture refers to the spatial arrangement of branches and their characteristics that are important when exploring the eco-physiologica...
Ancelin, Pierre-Yves Devos, Alain Laratte, Sébastien Berthe, Julien
The purpose of this research is to study the place of the “Séré de Rivières” type fortification in the geomorphological dimension of the war landscape. A multiscalar approach is proposed to analyze the geomorphological context of this defensive system. It appears that the rationalization of the relief is effective at all scales: the defensive syste...